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Newcomer Wow, such confidence! This young man knows what he wants! 😄


Active member
Job Interview: This young man knows what he wants: $4,000 a month, only Monday to Friday until 5 PM, no working after hours or on-call duties. Did he find his dream job, or is he destined to keep looking? 😂 What do you think? Is it okay to dream big, or should he be more realistic?

We'd need to see his profession or skills. I understand it's for an international company and remote work, so it doesn't seem crazy to me. He must be really good to value himself like that.

He must be really good to value himself like that.

He's not asking for anything special. Oh, wait, yeah, this is post pandemic, 2024... Now, seriously, it could be just a joke, I mean, other than the screenshot what do we know about his qualifications and the position he's applying for?
Lots of people ask for ridiculous things. The opposite, many people are losing their jobs and probably more will lose their job as recession continues.