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  1. Blockchain

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    That's what I don't get. Even their Economic Minister is saying that in real terms accounting for inflation their payments have gone up.
  2. Blockchain

    Apartment buying process confusing in Buenos Aires. Do I need to use the seller's realtor?

    Thanks. I had the same question. This website isn't that great and not the most intuitive. I saw that they offered 360 but couldn't figure out where it was. Thanks @FuturoBA
  3. Blockchain

    Why is Javier Milei spending more on Argentina’s army?

    What is the general local consensus there on the government wanting to increase military spending? I can't imagine the appetite is high for that when there are so many other economic issues, recession and vetoing the pension increase. Can't imagine that will be an easy sell...
  4. Blockchain

    How much are you allowed to bring into Argentina (Goods allowance) for Tourist and Resident?

    Know the feeling! I am coming back later this year and some friends I met there are all asking me to bring many things. I will have to bring a few extra bags. What about electronics? One guy I met wants me to bring a power drill that he says is 3 X more expensive there. Will I have problems...
  5. Blockchain

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Very true. I'm not sure the system in Argentina but here in the US, both the employee and the employer pay towards social security. Isn't the medium income in Argentina only around $500 bucks a month? If so by that measure, it seems like $225 is understandable. Maybe the government will...
  6. Blockchain

    Government announces 270% budget increase for public universities

    Looks like there was a lot of fraud involved with that University. I saw this on X.
  7. Blockchain

    Economy Goodbye to the Pais tax (impuesto pais)?

    Things sounds like they are quickly improving for the better there. My friend just told me that Mercado Pago doesn't charge VAT and income tax withholdings for online payments now.
  8. Blockchain

    Apartment buying process confusing in Buenos Aires. Do I need to use the seller's realtor?

    You're lucky! I just saw a post on X that said from last year at the bottom to now a year later prices are already up 20% in some neighborhoods like Recoleta and Palermo. Wow that was quick! @Johnny that was some good timing. I'm happy for you too @FuturoBA!
  9. Blockchain

    Food & Drink Pony Line - Four Seasons Hotel

    I had lunch here and it was excellent! But prices were more expensive than in the States. I just saw a post on X with a burger that was crazy expensive! I didn't have this but they apparently have a truffle burger over $60 bucks. Doesn't look too good. They had great drinks there!
  10. Blockchain

    Newcomer Argentina: Top Choice for Digital Nomads

    I enjoyed Buenos Aires and heading back here later this year. I didn't think it was a screaming deal. Sure compared to some areas it's cheaper. Accomodations wasn't too bad. I just don't think the typical expat going down is getting the cheap rates that most locals that are living there are...
  11. Blockchain

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Smart for him to stop trying to make money off of anchor baby'ing your way to Citizenship. Many people are doing that including Russians but people are on the down low about it and not in your face YouTube channel. Many poor pregnant Russian females are getting turned away at EZE...
  12. Blockchain

    Apartment buying process confusing in Buenos Aires. Do I need to use the seller's realtor?

    Ha! I would say even Craigslist is probably better. At least there once someone sells something they pull the listing down. Half the time I contact a Zonaprop listing no one gets back for many days or a week. Many seem like a bait and switch. I am going back down to BA in a few months but other...
  13. Blockchain

    Apartment buying process confusing in Buenos Aires. Do I need to use the seller's realtor?

    This is solid advice. I met a local and he told me about an apartment that he and his family bought. Terrible as his building was never finished! I guess it was a first time developer and they had very little experience building and they went bankrupt. I wouldn't buy there unless the company was...
  14. Blockchain

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Hopefully they catch them in Spain. Pedophiles are hated the world over so hopefully they can get them caught in Spain. Sick that this is the type of people that are part of the government.
  15. Blockchain

    Economy The Government wants the bus, train and subway to be paid with debit cards, credit cards and even with QR - Infobae

    That's great news about being able to use Apple Pay. I didn't use public transport very much as Ubers were very cheap but I guess if I was there long term using public transport would make sense but was too much of a hassle with those Sube cards. If it was just Apple Pay that would make it easier.
  16. Blockchain

    Be careful with taxi cabs with a rigged meter that runs quicker than usual

    I never liked using the taxis because I always had to have cash and they never had any change. Even if they probably had change they told me they did not. Uber works good there except a few times they would send me a message from Uber asking if I could pay cash. I would answer no and sometimes...
  17. Blockchain

    Buenos Aires is Ranked at the World's 10th Noisiest City - How to Cope

    Yes this was one of the negatives of BA. I thought it was loud. My first few Airbnbs I needed earplugs as it was just loud. One annoying thing is that people don't seem to care about barking dogs there. Super annoying.
  18. Blockchain

    Newcomer Which neighborhood do you recommend?

    Agree! I stayed in several different areas during my trip and visited a friend staying in Belgrano. Belgrano is just too much of a hassle if you're always going to be in Palermo or Recoleta. Most of the things every day where I was meeting up or restaurants I was going to were in Palermo or...
  19. Blockchain

    How can the food here be so bad ?

    I could have sure used this post when I was there. I got tired of eating out every night and tried to cook but some of the stuff at the grocery stores were not great quality. I'll check this place out when I come back.
  20. Blockchain

    Newcomer Who Is Responsible for Property Insurance?

    What are you wanting to insure? Your contents? In the USA we have property insurance that covers the property in case of fire/flooding/storms. And then contents like clothes, furniture, etc. I would assume there the owner has to insure their property if they want and you have to insure your...