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  1. Blockchain

    Milei - Time magazine

    I don't blame you. He is too far gone. He wouldn't know he was even in Argentina. Hard to fathom it is a race between two old nuts! We would gladly take Milei.
  2. Blockchain

    Food & Drink Best Empanadas in Buenos Aires - List of Restaurants with the Best!

    Thanks but I think I am going to give up on pizza here which is a shame as I love pizza. I just think most locals have a different taste they like so restaurants make pizzas that appeal to locals bad taste in pizza!
  3. Blockchain

    Food & Drink Best Empanadas in Buenos Aires - List of Restaurants with the Best!

    Thank you! I went here for empanadas and so many different types. Very good!
  4. Blockchain

    Passport Bros posting on Tik Tok about moving to Buenos Aires, Argentina

    But were there any really any "Passport Bros" in Buenos Aires? I haven't been here for long but this city doesn't strike me as the place where Passport Bros hang out. Firstly, the city isn't that cheap. I'm a bit surprised to find prices so expensive. Many places are on par with what things...
  5. Blockchain

    It Called Itself a Yoga School. Prosecutors Say It Was a Sex Cult

    I saw this same story in the New York Times. One thing I wasn't clear on. Isn't prostitution legal here? In much of South America prostitution is legal and allowed within reason. I was told that Buenos Aires had a much bigger sex scene in the early 2000's vs. today. Now I don't see many Clubs...
  6. Blockchain

    The food is seriously overrated here in Buenos Aires!!

    One thing I will say is that the empanadas here are very good. I have tried a few and very flavorful. Also, I went to dinner at Osaka and agree it was as good as high end sushi places in the States. Maybe better. I will try some of the other restaurants on the lists and some that you all...
  7. Blockchain

    Argie ice cream in Dallas, TX.

    That's 2 good recommendations of Argentine places in Dallas. I will have to check this out. This Empa Mundo is in Irving. I will say one of the really tasty foods here are the empanadas. I posted a post about how the food isn't all that great here but empanadas here are delicious.
  8. Blockchain

    Argie ice cream in Dallas, TX.

    Thank you @Sunny! I never heard of this before your mentioned it. I will check it out when I get home. I find the ice cream here really sweet but it has a good flavor. Great to see a bit of Argentina in Dallas. I see the reviews are very good. I'm never downtown so probably why I haven't heard...
  9. Blockchain

    Why have there been so many cases of workplace violence lately?

    Wow I heard that guns were rare here. Surprising to hear. Why were they shooting at homeless people?
  10. Blockchain

    Air Traffic Controller's Strike for June 9 to June 30 - 18 Days of Strikes

    Yeah I saw this news that it was averted. Does anyone know what the workers negotiated? I am just trying to get a sense of these strikes. https://en.mercopress.com/2024/06/06/argentine-atc-workers-lift-strike?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=main&utm_campaign=rss&ct=t(RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN)
  11. Blockchain

    Buenos Aires ranked as one of the most Instagramable cities in the World

    This is definitely a very photogenic city. I can't stop taking photos with my iPhone. Does anyone know if it's safe to take photos all around the city with an expensive DSL camera? I wanted to get one here but the prices are insane! About 3X the price of one in the US. I still might but just...
  12. Blockchain

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    But I saw that they are wanting to charge for this? @FuturoBA if you buy it can you give your opinion on how good it is? These days with sharing of information I think it is difficult to charge for this type of information. What is stopping someone from just posting the information if they want?
  13. Blockchain

    The food is seriously overrated here in Buenos Aires!!

    Thank you @GlasgowJohn. I will try it. I heard someone else mention it in the forum. What is your favorite place for Pizza? Italian? Seafood and your all around favorite place to eat? I will try some of these listed places this weekend and report back.
  14. Blockchain

    Paying to go to the bathroom in a portable tent on the street???

    Not sure where that is but certainly nothing like that in the areas I have been in. I was surprised with how nice most of the city is.
  15. Blockchain

    The food is seriously overrated here in Buenos Aires!!

    I'm American. I live in Dallas. Steaks here are much better than Buenos Aires.
  16. Blockchain

    Milei - Time magazine

    I've only been in town a week and what I observe is the people genuinely love this President. Even the poor. I talked to so many taxi drivers and Uber drivers that love Milei. I am fluent in Spanish and just came from Colombia. BA is very upscale compared to other cities in South America I...
  17. Blockchain

    Paying to go to the bathroom in a portable tent on the street???

    But on that Twitter people are commenting how the prices went up so it seems like this has been around for a while. Strange. I have been all over South America and not seen this set up. And who would have thought! They said there are several and people are paying to use them. So people ARE...
  18. Blockchain

    The food is seriously overrated here in Buenos Aires!!

    Thank you for those places. I will do some more research but just went into places that were busy. I tried La Cabrera which I was told was one of the best steakhouses and the meat was overcooked and did not have much flavor. ALL tourists there from other countries. Thanks @Vince for that link...
  19. Blockchain

    What happens when a truck transporting chickens crashes.....

    That is hilarious! Poor driver. No one even cared about him.
  20. Blockchain

    The food is seriously overrated here in Buenos Aires!!

    Great forum. I just got in town last week. I am a bit puzzled as I heard so many great things about the food here before the trip. I don't mean to bag on the food here but am I the only one that things the food is nothing special here? Very bland with not much flavor. Some of the worst pizza...