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Paying to go to the bathroom in a portable tent on the street???

I've been to that area of Flores a long time ago and had never seen anything like this. That area is very popular for wholesale clothing purchases, ranging from top brands to standard ones. Now, they also cater to retail customers, making it even more popular for its affordable prices. However, I believe now the sidewalks are crowded with street vendors, and I imagine someone found a business opportunity there. Where there's a need, there's a business. It's very unpleasant, to be honest. It wasn't like this before.
OMG!!! My worst fears unlocked! I have a very very very sensitive nose and a fobia with poop. And here I was worrying about smelling dog poop and this guy looks like he is pouring buckets of poop and pee down the drain. That can't smell good! This is so unsanitary. How can this be legal there?

I have been to many places and never saw this kind of thing. I heard that BA was the "Paris of South America" and now I have my doubts!
OMG!!! My worst fears unlocked! I have a very very very sensitive nose and a fobia with poop. And here I was worrying about smelling dog poop and this guy looks like he is pouring buckets of poop and pee down the drain. That can't smell good! This is so unsanitary. How can this be legal there?

I have been to many places and never saw this kind of thing. I heard that BA was the "Paris of South America" and now I have my doubts!
Funny @Jenn but I immediately thought of you when I saw this post! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
OMG!!! My worst fears unlocked! I have a very very very sensitive nose and a fobia with poop. And here I was worrying about smelling dog poop and this guy looks like he is pouring buckets of poop and pee down the drain. That can't smell good! This is so unsanitary. How can this be legal there?

I have been to many places and never saw this kind of thing. I heard that BA was the "Paris of South America" and now I have my doubts!
Lol poor Jenny. Avoid that area of town. @Betsy Ross said she's never seen this and I'm sure others would say this is faaaaar from the norm.
But on that Twitter people are commenting how the prices went up so it seems like this has been around for a while. Strange. I have been all over South America and not seen this set up. And who would have thought! They said there are several and people are paying to use them. So people ARE using them.
I've been to that area of Flores a long time ago and had never seen anything like this. That area is very popular for wholesale clothing purchases, ranging from top brands to standard ones. Now, they also cater to retail customers, making it even more popular for its affordable prices. However, I believe now the sidewalks are crowded with street vendors, and I imagine someone found a business opportunity there. Where there's a need, there's a business. It's very unpleasant, to be honest. It wasn't like this before.
I don't think this is Flores. I have been to Flores several times and never witnessed something like this.

It looks like they do that during demonstrations. You can see the security forces on the left pane.
Yes it seems to be in Avellaneda and probably during big protests where large amounts of people might be gathered and no one allowing them to use restrooms so that may be the only choice. But I have not seen this sort of thing.

OMG!!! My worst fears unlocked! I have a very very very sensitive nose and a fobia with poop. And here I was worrying about smelling dog poop and this guy looks like he is pouring buckets of poop and pee down the drain. That can't smell good! This is so unsanitary. How can this be legal there?

I have been to many places and never saw this kind of thing. I heard that BA was the "Paris of South America" and now I have my doubts!
Don't worry @Jenn this is not common. I can't comment on the dog poop as that is more common.
One of my wife's second cousins owns one of these chemical toilet businesses.

He is making loads of money from sh*t.........
Oh wow. That's great! It looks like a business that can make a lot of money with no real overhead. You could just pay someone to run it and not have to do anything. Although barriers to entry sound low but looks like a good idea during those huge protests although the stench if they are dumping it in the street or sewer nearby could be very bad. I'm sure @Jenn would NOT approve!
One of my wife's second cousins owns one of these chemical toilet businesses.

He is making loads of money from sh*t.........
@GlasgowJohn does he operate only in Flores? I saw this today on X. I haven't been to Flores but it looks totally sketchy from the various videos I've seen online. It looks like the government is removing many illegal businesses? I asked my girlfriend and she said she never goes to Flores!

@GlasgowJohn does he operate only in Flores? I saw this today on X. I haven't been to Flores but it looks totally sketchy from the various videos I've seen online. It looks like the government is removing many illegal businesses? I asked my girlfriend and she said she never goes to Flores!

Many manteros are selling fake or counterfeit items on a blanket so they can quickly leave when police come. You'd really have no reason to go to Flores unless maybe you were going to eat at one of the Asian places out there. But that is a long way for food. You can see some discussion from President Milei on them.
