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  1. S

    Newcomer Where to go for package being held by customs

    Hello, I have a package being sent from the US to CABA, but am being told it is held up at customs. It was shipped with FedEx, but now they're saying I need a "customs broker". To my understanding, the issue is I probably need to go pay an import tax/legal bribe. It's a work expense, so I'm...
  2. S

    Newcomer eSIM option in Buenos Aires?

    I can't answer your question, but I have a related issue. I need to buy a new iphone in USA to take for long stays in Argentina. My fear with the esim phone is that if this phone is lost or stolen in Argentina, you cannot get your USA phone number re-installed because you might not be able to...
  3. S

    Banking reciprocity fee - must pay online

    Come on -- there's plenty of opportunities to bash politics in this country, but this is the same path followed by most countries that charge a fee for something like a visa on arrival. The world will not implode. If you haven't paid the fee, the airline won't board you until you do. Just like...
  4. S

    Newcomer Safety in BA

    As most have mentioned here, in BA you have your ¨traditionally safer¨ areas of the city such as Recoleta and Palermo, but one thing I'd like to point out is that with BA being so extremely accessible as a city and so pedestrian friendly, ANYBODY (criminals, murderers, etc) can access any part...
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    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    The "vivo", the "piola", the guy who cuts in line, who cheats an gets away with it, is admired in Argentina. It's always been this way. People are in awe of those smart enough to cheat without being caught. They may know it is not right to do such things, but many consider cheating "cute". A...
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    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    Sorry, I should have said the villas pay no PROPERTY taxes. Nothing and no one is exempt from the IVA. Does anyone have any knowledge of life in the villas? I mean, through someone you know personally who lives, has lived, or works in one of them? It would be interesting to pool what everyone...
  7. S

    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    Perhaps we locals feel differently because BA used to be far safer just five years ago, and many of us don't know enough about other cities to draw comparisons. Personally, I can only compare BA with Washington. There, in a suburban home half an hour's drive from the White House and deep in a...
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    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    My next door neighbor was held up at a gunpoint at ten in the evening by two men who tried to force her to let them into the house. She started screaming, the neighbor on the other side went out on the sidewalk to see what was going on, the neighbor across the street leant out of the window, and...
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    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    These are the results of a world-wide Gallup poll asking people if they felt safe going out after dark: -- 61% of Argentines are afraid to go out at night -- The worldwide average is 36%. -- Only in 31 of the 105 surveyed countries were people more afraid to go out after dark than in Argentina...