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Our family has the opportunity to move to BA this summer for a few years. However due to recent events and speaking to one local it sound like it may be unsafe. One of us is fluent in the language and the other is learning. We have small children. Should this be a concern for us?
Of course it should but there are many factors to consider as well as crime.

Assuming you are being sponsored for a work visa, the biggest challenge you face is deciding where to live and how to rent and furnish a desirable home for your family.

There are a number of threads that deal with this subject that you can find using the search feature here, including posts by BAwithkids.
Not really. You just need to keep your common sense like in any other huge city, and you'll be fine. unless you chooze for live a dangerous neibourhood from the west end.
Not really. You just need to keep your common sense like in any other huge city, and you'll be fine. unless you chooze for live a dangerous neibourhood from the west end.
Even if this answer is sincere the neighborhood to the west of the "most desirable" areas (Recoleta and Palermo ) is Belgrano and it is also worthy of consideration.

The neighborhood to the east (Retiro) is not so family friendly (or safe).

PS: It might not be a good idea to take advice from anyone here who can't spell neighborhood correctly, doesn't know east from west, or still believes in flower power.

(I was a college student in the late 60's and early 70's and I know what I'm talking about.)
As most have mentioned here, in BA you have your ¨traditionally safer¨ areas of the city such as Recoleta and Palermo, but one thing I'd like to point out is that with BA being so extremely accessible as a city and so pedestrian friendly, ANYBODY (criminals, murderers, etc) can access any part of the city at any time so the ¨safe spot¨ isn't always 100%.

I live in Palermo now and there are some areas here in which I do not feel safe walking late at night and tend to cab it. I used to live in Recoleta, and it was a different story as there are cops on just about every corner (this is not always the case in Palermo, especially in areas such as Palermo Viejo, etc)
We'll be paid in pesos but with a bonus in dollars.
What percentage is your total pay package is the "bonus"? And is it guaranteed? Quite honestly, NO way I'd relocate to Buenos Aires if my salary was in pesos unless they are willing to give you a TRUE inflation based salary increase.

Look at the locals and how most in white are getting 25% to 30% a YEAR raises. Unless your company is going to guarantee to do the same, no way I'd rush to move a family with young children to Buenos Aires now.

Buenos Aires of a few years ago is not the same place as it is now. I would disagree with some that say Buenos Aires is dangerous. And saying Recoleta and Palermo aren't safe borders on the laughable side.

Granted, crime has increased but violent crime is still rare but NO WAY anyone can still try to argue that Buenos Aires is comparable to crime in major USA cities. That certainly isn't the case. Buenos Aires has a LOT more crime and scams.

Unless you are getting some really sweet salary (which doesn't sound like the case especially if they are only paying you in pesos) then I wouldn't move a young family there.

I'm not sure which field you are in but you can definitely make more money in the USA for the most part. Buenos Aires isn't cheap anymore. And the quality of life isn't nearly as high as it once was.

Add into the mix all these restrictions and currency controls and strikes and shortages and import controls and inefficiencies there and red tape and you may seriously regret moving your family there.

I wouldn't say don't move because it is "unsafe" here in Buenos Aires. I'd just say look at the risk/reward of the move. Also, factor in things like health insurance, etc. Typically you will have to buy a policy in Buenos Aires as your USA insurance probably won't cover you for a long term move. And with young kids you definitely want to have coverage in place.

If you have a good medical plan like OSDE or Swiss Medical it's very good but these individual plans aren't cheap. I was paying about the same for my coverage with OSDE as I pay for great coverage with Kaiser Permanente.

Plus, you have to factor in education for your kids. I'm not sure how old they are but most of the schools aren't good there except the private schools which are very expensive. So factor that in as well.