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  1. M

    Food & Drink Where can I find speakeasies in Buenos Aires?

    Hi everyone! I’ve heard that Buenos Aires has some speakeasies that are really interesting and serve the best craft cocktails. Do you know which ones they are?
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    The Government of Misiones will pay a $5 million reward to the neighbor who provided information about the legislator and reported him. Not only did she contribute to the case, but she also made a nice sum of money from it. 🤑...
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    Politics New First Lady for Milei?

    Well, tell her... haha! She mentions it very casually, saying they're married. But you're right! my local friends say that in Argentina, marriage is really just a formality. In fact, many people here think of it as "just a piece of paper." That’s why most couples just live together without...
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    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Yes! You're right! I think he’s making too many mistakes. Argentina is a mentally open, progressive country that supports the LGBT community, and these homophobic statements aren’t well-received. He should study a bit more about the local culture. It’s a shame because he used to create...
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    Newcomer Payment Issues on tuentrada.com

    You shouldn’t have a problem buying from abroad. I purchased from there recently without issues. Have you sent the inquiry form? You can directly choose the "payment rejected" option. https://ayuda.tuentrada.com/general/inconvenientes-para-realizar-mi-compra
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    Newcomer More Provinces Charge Foreigners for Public Hospital Care

    If you read the article, it clarifies that emergencies are still being handled as usual. It's illegal here to deny care to someone in an emergency, especially if their life is at risk. That's why Argentinians condemned the unfortunate incident in Bolivia when a hospital refused to treat an...
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    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    An award for Maduro?? Did this really happen? Wow...another reason to fervently hope this lady NEVER comes back to power...my god! Never forget!!!
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    Newcomer Happiness: Only one-third of Argentinians feel satisfied with their lives

    I found this article about the decline in happiness and life satisfaction among Argentinians interesting. It really surprised me because I’ve always seen Argentinians as some of the friendliest and most lively people I’ve met. I never would have guessed that their happiness levels were so low. I...
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    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    A win for Argentina, they triumphed over Ukraine! Their next match will be against France, and there are high expectations following the incidents with that country...
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    Economy Goodbye to the Pais tax (impuesto pais)?

    The president has once again addressed the “Impuesto País” (Country Tax) and confirmed that it will end in December.
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    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    Maybe I’m being naive, but can’t any organization intervene? The disaster this dictator is causing seems endless. Now he’s cut the electricity supply to the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela, where six opposition members are sheltering. How can he act with such impunity...