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  1. F

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Be grateful at least there is good quality coffee in Buenos Aires now. My husband lived in BA during the last 90's and he said the coffee was terrible! They didn't have all of the better quality coffee like today. Most of it was very bitter and very poor quality he said. I would rather pay...
  2. F

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    Have rental prices really jumped up 243%? Is that year over year?
  3. F

    Alec Oxenford Sees Dollar Avalanche for Argentina, Major Investors Based in Buenos Aires

    I lived in Argentina during the period when it was very expensive. Taxi drivers back then were making about $35,000 to $40,000 US dollars per year. We loved Argentina even when it was very expensive but our $ went much further after the big crash. We were still making US dollar incomes but...
  4. F

    Buenos Aires 'taxi dancers' glide tourists through daunting tango scene

    Sounds like a great service! I could have used this during my trip!
  5. F

    Caputo confirms Argentina has moved some of its gold overseas

    Caputo is a smart businessman. My husband worked with Mr. Caputo while we lived in Buenos Aires. I am sure that risk/reward were thought of ahead of time.
  6. F

    Food & Drink The best Malbec in the world is Argentine

    While wine was very affordable. It should be mentioned, there are also some more expensive bottles of wine. We were at Don Julio with my husband's work colleagues and we had several $100 USD bottles of wine too. They were excellent but after reading all of these posts on cheap wines I feel...
  7. F

    Milei faces a "trilemma" and explains why he is making "a bet on everything or nothing"

    Things are improving. Argentina has a fiscal surplus for the first time in 16 years. Government spending has been reigned in. Laws have changed, Omnibus law was passed. Inflation is slowing down. You can't try to downplay all the tremendous changes going on in Argentina right now.
  8. F

    BA bike guide

    We were going to try those city bikes as my kids wanted to do it but we were worried about the condition on some of them. I wouldn't imagine anyone would want to steal those but then again you never know. What happens if someone steals one of those? Does the company charge you for it?
  9. F

    Mileizuela situation - Gas shortage in Argentina

    I agree. Are the anti-Milei posts even ex-pats? Seems like they are locals and CFK supporters.
  10. F

    President Milei has now traveled 20% of his entire Presidency in other countries

    I lived in Argentina over 20 years ago. I'm not sure Argentina will reach "normal" inflation for quite some time. Just read that Argentina spent about $350,000 USD to send Milei and his sister to the Olympics. Not sure that is a good use of money.
  11. F

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    Yes, the laser show was fantastic. Elon Musk is here and just posted about it a few hours ago.
  12. F

    Argentina tops the list of LatAm countries with the highest inflation for the 9th straight month

    Hopefully inflation doesn't head back up. Sounds like it is creeping back up. I was worrying about it with all the increases in transportation and utility rates but it sounds like they will hold back on some of those...
  13. F

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    1,500? Oh my. We were there just a few months ago and it was around 1000. We feel fortunate that when we lived in Argentina the exchange rate was fairly stable. That is far from the case now!
  14. F

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    The process isn't difficult if you hire a lawyer. We lived there many years ago and my husband and I got permanent residency after 5 years. My husband's employer hired an attorney and we got it quickly. I'm not sure if it is still valid or not. I'm told you must come to Argentina at least once...
  15. F

    Argentina sees sharpest drop in beef consumption for 30 years!

    A steak like that here in the States would be at least $40 or more. It is sad for locals that they have to cut back so much on beef.
  16. F

    Milei declares Argentina’s OECD entry bid of ‘national interest’

    It will be impressive if Argentina becomes a member but this is most likely several years away.
  17. F

    Tank poses, gifts and a toast – Milei’s Independence Day military parade

    That is so beautiful. Thank you to all of you for posting some of these videos. It is wonderful to see such patriotism. My husband told me that Argentina didn't have a big military but this looks like it is sizable. I look forward to returning again for another visit at the end of this year.
  18. F

    The World’s Widest Avenue Has 16 Lanes – And Takes An Eternity To Cross (Avenida 9 de Julio)

    We loved Avenida Alvear. Our hotel was on that street and we loved walking out and everything was near to us. Some great restaurants in that area too.
  19. F

    Newcomer Paul McCartney in Buenos Aires

    Well on that link it says there are some $1,000 USD tickets. That is a lot of pesos for Argentines.
  20. F

    Newcomer Moving to BA and Essential Apps to use

    We used many of these Apps while we were in Buenos Aires. We stayed at the Park Hyatt hotel which is right in this area and absolutely loved the area. It was very upscale. I can't think of a nicer area to stay in.