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  1. M

    Newcomer Long-term scooter rental in Buenos Aires

    Buy a cheap bike? Equally dangerous Better for the environment
  2. M

    Banking How to access money when travelling to Argentina?

    There are a lot of questions here and most are beyond the scope of an Argentina-based forum: each Latin American country you encounter will be different. For now, let's stick to Argentina and the UK. Do you have a paid-for bank account in the UK or do you enjoy free banking? If you are paying a...
  3. M

    Politics Caught Up in the Meaningless Protest Last Night

    sounds to me more like you are caught up in a meaningless post...
  4. M

    Legal My Divorce From Argentina

    I am sorry that your wife was put through that. I would definitely ask for help from the Senator or Congressman in whose district you last lived (or one in which you have family). The consular staff at the embassy is there to help you, and by extension, your wife. If you can interest a...
  5. M

    Visas Iguazu

    Forgot to respond to your question about buses. We took Crucero del Norte and it was quite good. From what I saw at the bus terminal in Puerto Iguazu, Singer also looks good. 18 hours is a long time to be on a bus. Next time, we'll brave the uncertainty of Argentinean air travel and fly.
  6. M

    Visas Iguazu

    I agree, it is best to see both sides. The Brazilian side is breathtaking, with a walkway that practically goes into the garganta del diablo and panoramic views (though I haven't been in 17 years). The Argentine side is also breathtaking, with miles of walkways that take you into the falls, both...
  7. M

    Food & Drink Macaroni and cheese

    Personally I've tried and hated the boxed brands of mac and cheese here (especially coming from a taste for Annie's). I'd try Nikad's suggestion for a more fakey version than a homemade with noodles and the finlandia "cheddar", but otherwise maybe make an order from Amazon or get a visitor to...
  8. M

    Newcomer Studying at the UBA

    Actually, I'm not sure but I think you may need to be accepted first, then apply for the visa. I have a piece of paper at home that lists when each program begins. I tried to find it online, but couldn't. I'll tell you what it says when I get back later this evening. I only know people who...
  9. M

    Newcomer Studying at the UBA

    Welcome, I don't think you would have much trouble getting into UBA. You probably wouldn't have too much difficulty understanding or conversing in MA level classes. The amount of reading required can sometimes be a lot (even for native speakers) and you would need to have a pretty advanced...
  10. M

    Newcomer Forget Palermo - What are the Best Barrios for expats?

    There are some REALLY nice areas of Belgrano also, but has less nightlife and other things that might be more interesting to expats and visitors than Palermo and Recoleta.
  11. M

    Taxes AFIP Notification

    It only the local credit card, they don't care about foreing credit cards, and in the local credit card is more to scare people that is avoiding paying taxs than other thing, but they are not really checking every spend you do above 2000 ;) Still is better to take precaution if you are using a...
  12. M

    Economy Inflation in Argentina.

    you can clock some of it for free on line if you feel the need to check how much yer bucks are worth!
  13. M

    Legal accountant required

    What you need it for exactly?
  14. M

    Legal Crime sensation and real crime! opinion

    Sure they are, i'm amazed of how much diference you find between some people experiences and other people, when I hear that so many bad thinks happen to you it really make me think that or you and your friends and expats that has suffer this situations are really bad lucky or you live in a risky...
  15. M

    Legal Crime sensation and real crime! opinion

    Well quite true that people once dead is dead but you are forgeting the family and friends of that person that die will still feel the extreme pain that produce a murder, worst than any other crime. One thing why you thing that sensation of insecurity is related to real insecurity? yes it have a...
  16. M

    Legal Crime sensation and real crime! opinion

    Good opinion, but then it make me wonder in normal crime is true i don't think people report that much, but i don't think people has ever report crimes that much anyway, but murder crimes don't depend on reports, doesn’t matter if someone report it or not, well i don't think anyone will not...
  17. M

    Legal Crime sensation and real crime! opinion

    I have seen a lot of post about it but I want more to discuss an article that I have read recently, i don't totally agree with what is been said in there but mostly I agree and I think that is happening a lot in this city and even in this forum. I have seen people posting thinks that don't mach...