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When talking to many people, what becomes obvious to most of us is that crime is rampant and that almost no one bothers to report most crimes.

Out of twelve crimes that were perpetuated on my direct family (I'm not even talking about friends and acquaintances) the only one that was ever reported was when my older sister-in-law was robbed at gunpoint and they took her entire purse (with her documents, cellphone and 1200 pesos). The ONLY reason she reported the crime was because she lost both her DNI and her Paraguayan CDI and needed a police report to show that they were stolen.

One of two events that I know of that were reported, among my acquaintances, was the cop I know who was brutally stabbed and throat slashed - but he didn't report it himself as he was almost dead when the ambulance and cops came.

People don't report crimes here - there's no reason to. The cops typically don't do one single thing except fill out a report.

Another crime I haven't written about was a home break in of a friend of my older sister-in-law. She reported this one as well. The night of their graduation from cooking school, my sister-in-law's friend was entering her parent's house in Belgrano (where she lives) when she was attacked from behind by two guys. Her parents weren't home. They beat her (didn't rape her) and threatened to kill her when she couldn't give them the combination to her parent's safe. They were in the house with her for an hour, took various items, left her tied to a chair in the kitchen for three hours until her folks got back.

This happened a bit over a year ago. She's still in therapy, terrified to leave her house. I'd actually forgotten about her as I'd only met her a couple of times and haven't seen her since the event.

Either I and most of the people I know (and at least many of the people who are on this website, it seems) live in statistical bubbles, or people who know more than a couple of people and don't know ANYONE who has not even been robbed, not even a pickpocket, are living in a statistical bubble.

Statistical flukes are amazing, eh?
Sure they are, i'm amazed of how much diference you find between some people experiences and other people, when I hear that so many bad thinks happen to you it really make me think that or you and your friends and expats that has suffer this situations are really bad lucky or you live in a risky situation or well that maybe me and my group of friends and the expats that never suffer a bad incident are really lucky bastard still I always wonder why so much difference in perception between some users and others, that why I open this thread after reading that article that make me really think on how much is real and how much is perception, and what you guys think is the impact of the media. I still wonder my self of how diferent are the experience of diferent people but at least now I have a more info and a better understanding of the situation, thank for the opinions interesting topic to discuss
Sure they are, i'm amazed of how much diference you find between some people experiences and other people, when I hear that so many bad thinks happen to you it really make me think that or you and your friends and expats that has suffer this situations are really bad lucky or you live in a risky situation or well that maybe me and my group of friends and the expats that never suffer a bad incident are really lucky bastard still I always wonder why so much difference in perception between some users and others, that why I open this thread after reading that article that make me really think on how much is real and how much is perception, and what you guys think is the impact of the media. I still wonder my self of how diferent are the experience of diferent people but at least now I have a more info and a better understanding of the situation, thank for the opinions interesting topic to discuss
I don't think that the majority of people out there are having super serious issues or anything violent or major. The majority of times at least with my local friends it's petty stuff like:

- Cellphones getting stolen (this is the one I hear about the most)

- Purses getting stolen

- Cars getting broken into (a few friends had their windows broken and stuff stolen, one friend actually had a wheel stolen from the street!)

- Mugged on the subway, etc.

My wife's friend had her window broken while she was at a stoplight in Palermo and a motorcycle thief stole her purse.

But again the police are worthless. A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law's boyfriend had his Iphone stolen. He had the "Find my Iphone" app installed and active on it. He was excited because he figured he could get his phone back. He went to the police and do you know what they told him? They told him that it was too dangerous for them to attempt to get it!

So you can imagine even under that situation going to the police was worthless and a waste of time.
My porteño friends have been here all their lives.

Yes, on the rise perhaps, but nowhere near as bad as some comments in this thread would have some believe. Obviously some very unlucky people, but with another group of people (ie. people I know) it appears the exact opposite, hence truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Crime in the USA has decreased over the past decade for the most part. But crime in Argentina has increased.

Again, remember that the vast majority of robberies in Buenos Aires are NOT reported.


This is fairly old data I think from 2006 but even taking in account the data is old and that very few people actually report robberies and also that crime since 2006 has decreased in the USA and it has increased in Argentina and you'll see on this chart that back in 2006 Argentina still was ranked higher in robberies than the USA per capita.

It's worse now.

And Aron, I was including active war zones in the Middle East. Honestly, I don't know much about the Middle East as it's one of the few places I haven't been to. I know for the most part in non war zone countries, it's supposed to be fairly safe due to the harsh penalties.... but I have several friends and clients that have had problems in Egypt, Yemen and a few other countries.
My porteño friends have been here all their lives.

Yes, on the rise perhaps, but nowhere near as bad as some comments in this thread would have some believe. Obviously some very unlucky people, but with another group of people (ie. people I know) it appears the exact opposite, hence truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
One upmanship re crime is so sad and depressing..unless you think the previous posters - who are here longer and whose friends and relatives have suffered crime - are inventing their stories just be happy you haven't but don't be so complacent as to think you are immune to such or won't in the future. Not wishing you ill will, just think discounting real people's experiences is dismissing them in some way even if that isnt your intent...
From own experience I never thought I'd ever be the victim of blackmail..happened in Bsas and as shocked as I was I ended up hearing many "my family have also been blackmailed " stories from locals...At this point I feel it's never say never in Bsas, for good and for bad..this city never ceases to surprise!
One upmanship re crime is so sad and depressing..unless you think the previous posters - who are here longer and whose friends and relatives have suffered crime - are inventing their stories just be happy you haven't but don't be so complacent as to think you are immune to such or won't in the future. Not wishing you ill will, just think discounting real people's experiences is dismissing them in some way even if that isnt your intent...
From own experience I never thought I'd ever be the victim of blackmail..happened in Bsas and as shocked as I was I ended up hearing many "my family have also been blackmailed " stories from locals...At this point I feel it's never say never in Bsas, for good and for bad..this city never ceases to surprise!
I so so agree. The other thing you need to keep in mind is the wise Porteños that HAVE had some sort of incident, don't tend to tell other people (even their friends). Because if people hear about it then and word gets around then they feel they might become a target.

I think you are truly and VERY fortunate if you never met anyone that didn't have something happen to them or their family members. That's a wonderful thing.

But just don't discount all of these true stories some of us are taking the time to write about. Also, keep in mind there are many people that don't dare tell anyone that something happened to them or their family lest they become a target.