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  1. C

    Western Union

    I wish! No, I've not sent anywhere near $50,000 thus year. Maybe around $15,000 USD total and I haven't sent to Argentina for a long time. Just seeing this forum made me remember the good times in BA. I haven't been there in a few years but just contacted a female friend and wished her Merry...
  2. C

    Western Union

    I have used Western Union many times for many countries including Argentina and especially Brazil where I live now. Always worked like a charm. Now today I see this post about the free transfer so I tried to send to my friend for a Christmas gift and it won't go through. Anyone have any...
  3. C

    Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

    Yes you're correct. I dated a girl from Venezuela when I was coming her more frequently. She came in with Mercosur to study free but she easily got residency here. She didn't hire a lawyer. She did it herself. But to be fair I think it's much easier for Mercosur vs. gringos. I think if...
  4. C

    Western Union

    But do the cuevas hassle with that incredibly small amount? I would think they wouldn't want to hassle with that small of amounts. I' not sure how it is now but before they would't want to deal with that or tack on a surcharge or something.
  5. C

    Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

    I would argue if you can't afford $2-7k in legal bills to be here legally you probably can't afford to live here long term anyway. No, you never have to give a real DNI it's just the computer system asks for it but you don't have to. Some supermarket there are huge discounts for the elderly...
  6. C

    Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

    Great website! I used to post many years ago on another forum. I found this site from X. I was a former "perma tourist" in Argentina. First time I overstayed 4 months and was really scared. I didn't know if I should do a border run and take the ferry over to Colonia but many other Americans...