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  1. Josh27

    Economy The Government increased electricity rates up to 150% in the AMBA and there will be monthly updates from April - Infobae

    The Government increased electricity rates up to 150% in the AMBA and there will be monthly updates from April - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/15/el-gobierno-aumento-las-tarifas-de-luz-hasta-150-en-el-amba-y-habra-actualizaciones-mensuales-desde-abril/ February...
  2. Josh27

    Politics The Government, one step away from the omnibus law: 24 hours of intense negotiations and one unknown ahead - Infobae

    The Government, one step away from the omnibus law: 24 hours of intense negotiations and one unknown ahead - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/19/el-gobierno-a-un-paso-de-la-ley-omnibus-24-horas-de-intensas-negociaciones-y-una-incognita-hacia-adelante/ January 19, 2024...
  3. Josh27

    Newcomer Financial guidance, please!

    In Argentina, resorting to ATMs should be considered a final option. The withdrawal limits, fees, and exchange rates make it less favorable, unless it becomes the only viable choice. Consider bringing some USD, preferably in $100 or $50 bills, and opt for cash exchange. Using your credit card...
  4. Josh27

    Trip Reports Crime, Safety and Buenos Aires - Trip Report

    Thank you for sharing this. I had planned to post something similar. We've been here for two weeks now, and we're thoroughly enjoying our time. I exited the airport terminal on a Sunday evening, tightly clutching my bag to my chest. On the way to the city, we observed numerous families having...
  5. Josh27

    Banking Getting hold of new US $100 bills in the UK

    We're heading to Buenos Aires in early January, and I'm curious if anyone has recommendations for the best location in the UK to exchange British Pounds for new $100 bills. Additionally, we'll be staying in Recoleta, arriving on a Sunday afternoon. I'm wondering if there's a currency exchange...