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  1. P

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    It's outrageous to see how the traffic camera system in Buenos Aires Province has turned into a blatant money grab. 45 billion pesos in just six months? That’s insane! It feels like instead of focusing on road safety, the whole thing is set up just to line the pockets of a few. And now we find...
  2. P

    Free events this weekend

    Thanks for sharing! I definitely won’t miss it!
  3. P

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Industry and construction are also beginning to recover, and it's just a matter of time before we see the benefits of Milei's presidency. Although many are still feeling the effects of the crisis, key sectors are showing positive results. This is the right path forward, even though times are...
  4. P

    Newcomer Help with Residency and DNI Process for My Husband

    Earlier this year, I completed the process in the U.S. through the Consulate since my wife is Argentine by birth. It was just a matter of gathering a few documents, getting them apostilled and translated. After submitting the paperwork, I had my interview two days later and received the visa in...