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  1. F

    Taxes How to get money *out* of Argentina?

    A viable strategy for transferring money out of Argentina involves establishing an arrangement with someone who needs to bring money into the country. In this scenario, they can transfer funds to your foreign bank account, and in return, you provide them with pesos in Argentina. When dealing...
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    Banking Do not bank with Santander Río!

    Hi Earlyretirement, I have been having fun (and also feeling embarrased for my country) about your comments on your longterm experience living in Argentina. I am a local who lived in the US for many years, and decided to come back in 2006, when it sounded like a good idea. I was able to take...
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    Banking ATM Maximum Withdrawal Limit with Foreign ATM card

    Yep, has to be the highest ATM fees worldwide?
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    Banking ATM Maximum Withdrawal Limit with Foreign ATM card

    My card is Australian, maybe US cards are set lower?
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    Banking ATM Maximum Withdrawal Limit with Foreign ATM card

    I've withdrawn 6000 at once from Banelco ATMs. I see no reason to assume you couldn't get more. Whether I withdraw 1k, 2k, 4k, or 6k, I have never once been rejected with my international debit card. The current fee is $319 pesos per withdrawal.
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    Newcomer Lisbon Vs Buenos Aires

    I will of course second this having settled in Andalusia some 5 years ago, outside Seville. The people are just the best I have ever encountered in my life. I just took 3 Spanish friends to celebrate St Patrick´s with me in Dublin last weekend and we didn´t stop talking or laughing for 4 days...
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    Newcomer Lisbon Vs Buenos Aires

    A previous regular on this board (James Tusa) moved to Valencia in 2014 and bought a place there in 2015. I met up with him on a visit to Andalucia. I have his email I can send by PM if anyone is interested in trying to meet up and get his perspective
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    Apartment Rental Ten New Studio Apartments In All Rental Building Balvanera

    I live near there. I would not recommend this neighborhood to anyone not comfortable with living in the ghetto. That supermarkets prices are cheap though
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    Apartment Rental Apt. Rental in Pesos...?? Light Blue Rate..??

    I wonder if that byt 5 peso rate is a result of an approximate average of the official and the blue rate? For example, apprx. 4.5 + 6.4 = 10.9 / 2 = 5.5 (slightly higher than byt but equals what the original poster mentioned) I suppose that seems fair for both renter and landlord. Or are the...
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    Taxes IVA- When do I have to pay and when am I being scammed?

    Sounds like they are working en negro, they are not oaying iVA, they are ripping you off. you should insist on official facturas for your payments.
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    Banking Bringing Dollars from USA

    Hey! I just got back from abroad so decided to come Back with US dollars, 8000 to be exact! I was super nervous about it although it isn't illegal! The customs paper I had to fill out has changed from 10 months ago, first question was if I have more then 10.000usd, so i checked off "no" than the...
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    Newcomer Argentine Citizenship for foreigners: Can it really be this easy?

    Stive- What's the latest? Surely you're not a citizen quite yet, are you?
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    Newcomer Argentine Citizenship for foreigners: Can it really be this easy?

    BC2's post provides an interesting comparison, particularly the fear points (5a and b). I share the perspective that long-term thinking is crucial. However, let me offer a counterpoint to consider. If you become a citizen, the master nationality rule comes into play, potentially leading to the...