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  1. T

    Banking Getting dollars into Argentina to purchase real estate

    Again, extremely helpful! Thank you for taking the time to spell this out. My chief concern currently is the feasibility / ease of withdrawing $250k USD cash from whichever Argentinian bank I end up choosing. My understanding from Argentinian friends is that I should be weary of banks allowing...
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    Legal information and law about 2 marriage in Argentina.

    hello friends i am new at this page. i met an Argentinian woman. i want to marry her. i am already married and having 2 kids and i want to shift my 1st wife and kids with me to Argentina. my 2nd wife will not have any problem with this. i just want to ask if there is any legal restriction...
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    Newcomer Escaping Buenos Aires for the summer months - where to go?

    Mar del Plata gets a lot of talk about its crowded nature, but truth be told, if you steer clear of the central areas, you'll find a peaceful environment. The rambla is particularly enjoyable, offering great spots to dine and a refreshing ocean breeze. The expansive beach allows for long...
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    Newcomer Lisbon Vs Buenos Aires

    Hills are good for your heart :)
  5. T

    Banking reciprocity fee - must pay online

    Brings them inline with the ESTA system for US visitors under the Visa Waiver Program and ETA system for visitors to Australia. Both countries require you to pay before arrival. You can't board a plane to those countries without having paid the fee ahead of time. I guess it's a slightly more...
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    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    Good point early retirement, prices had been getting higher in other southamerican countries since 2004. Ecuador is still a virgin market, definitely worth sharing the info. Owners dont need property insurance, another point I liked about buying in EC! Moody's just upgraded Ecuadors credit...
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    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    ..."and all conditions of the sale are met"... Precisely!!!
  8. T

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    No problem folks, I understand its all good. This is an abundant world of opportunities. In the best interest of people I would suggest US only when its economy is fixed and the ones in power dont seem all too focus unfortunately...
  9. T

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    Again...anybody reading the small prints and researching market trends knows the economy in US is already in bad shape and heading for worse...I just hope people can still make an income, let alone resale its property..and the HOA are high there. NY has one of the highest price per sqft... an...
  10. T

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    I know folks...I am sorry I sound negative I am just realistic though...I wouldnt invest in BA nor in USA now. US is deep in debt and heading and each day China buys up more of the US bond debt. US is just printing money to circulate through the economy to support the presidential momentum by at...
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    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    That is just a projection,...again, it is the New York Times. They want to sell a good market for the election but the numbers show ongoing unemployment increase and record people actually leaving the country. Ever wonder why there are so many empty apts for sale in first place?? If people cant...
  12. T

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    Absolutely, It is just that the trend was on investments more than tourism but I see your point now...thanks!
  13. T

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    Please open your eyes...It is THE NEW YORK TIMES, twisting info again...they try everything to boost the economy as US keeps borrowing from China to meet the Fiscal budget. Their own wealthy people is leaving, emptying the banks. They even had to create an "exit tax" or HIRE Tax (google up) to...
  14. T

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    I feel sorry for the Argentine people still believing in US economy...I left US precisely because is nose diving economically and even a small condo purchase involved going through a nonsense of papers, taxes and regulations...let alone the fact that the majority arent even concrete made! I...
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    Banking Bank Account With Just a Passport and CDI Number (No DNI)

    I have a DNI and temporary residency, not permanent. Every bank I went to would only open an account for permanent residents. However in February Banco De La Nación (at Plaza De Mayo) finally opened a savings account for me. It costs 30 pesos/month, by the way.
  16. T

    Legal Reporting contact with an international fugitive in BA?

    It was at the Buenos Aires Xoom location. I showed my partner the picture posted by steveinbsas, and he said it wasn't him. Sorry for the false alarm, but it is interesting, nonetheless.
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    Legal Reporting contact with an international fugitive in BA?

    Whoa. I don't know this guy, or anything call center-related, nor any of the people posting here (except for Beatrice... who took his CAT!?!?! Haha!! You're awesome!) -- I try to stay sooooo far away from the Expat world, and BAexpats on sleepless nights is my one vice -- but I just want to...
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    Real Estate Sales Explain It To Me: Pesification and Real Estate Prices

    Nothing will happen. everything is en negro anyway, the escritura will say pesos but you can buy / sell with whatever the two parties agree on.
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    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    About the same level of sympathy as for those bond holders who speculated in Argentine stock then whinge because they didnt make a profit? health warning - any investment can go down in value as well as up Property investment is the largest contributor to the economic and political instability...
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    Real Estate News Who are the future ExpatsBA?

    I appreciate the insightful perspectives shared by everyone regarding the future for expats in Argentina. I'm curious to know if anyone sees this as a transitional phase, perhaps a fluctuation in the larger cycles of the world economy. Do you think that in 5-10 years, Buenos Aires might once...