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  1. S

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    I just got notice that my medical plan is going up another 16% for next month's premium. This has been ugly the past few months.
  2. S

    Visas If I overstay and pay the fee, does this make any sort of black mark on my passport / records?

    once, no. multiple times in succession, debatable
  3. S

    Medical Local health insurance that accepts pre-existing conditions

    There are other options you could look into. such as Galeno Medicus, Omint, H. Aleman,H. Italiano, Luis Pasteur, Hospital Británico (from other posts on the forum). i can't tell you if they cover pre-existing conditions or not
  4. S

    Travel Traveling to Buenos Aires

    To my recollection there are no issues bringing USD in. i don't know if you even have to declare it, probably if you did it might raise more eyebrows haha. the bigger issue would be your safety carrying around that much cash, honestly. i wouldn't chance it.
  5. S

    Real Estate Sales Looking for advice to put my Condo solely in my name

    I'm really sorry that I can't offer any useful advice, but I'm sat here reading your post and shaking my head pityingly. You've got a lot of pain ahead dude and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Good luck! Oh, and once you've got it sorted, would you be wanting to continue renting it out...
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    Politics Dr. Ron Paul supporter??

    LOTS of us supporting Ron Paul, back in the States too..however, looks like the two buddies are getting the most corporate funding instead..
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    Banking Authorized to Buy Dollars! Not Really?

    Same here. My wife is an accountant and she did all the afip bullshit for a couple of her clients for some measly amount of green folding. They were approved and ran along to their respective banks to bag the dosh only to discover that they had the approval withdrawn. And get this....no reason...
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    Newcomer Safety in BA

    We'll be paid in pesos but with a bonus in dollars.
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    Newcomer Safety in BA

    Our family has the opportunity to move to BA this summer for a few years. However due to recent events and speaking to one local it sound like it may be unsafe. One of us is fluent in the language and the other is learning. We have small children. Should this be a concern for us?
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    Newcomer Totally Disgusted

    It works in the US, for the little guy, as long as he's not going against the big guy, especially a big bank. Still, nothing quite as horrifying as being intimidated or victimized by cops, or even witnessing it. And I mean horrifying, demeaning, enraging in the true senses of those words...
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    Newcomer Totally Disgusted

    Indeed, and another big difference is that the legal framework doesn't accord the same rights of self-defense as in the US. Although the keystone cop vibe of some law enforcement here will feel great if the US keeps ramping up its police state measures.
  12. S

    Banking transering $ abroad from apt sale

    If you have a valid DNI and a CUIL or CUIT and don't explicitly tell the escribano that you are non-resident and you don't need a COTI, then you should be able to bypass all the drama during the sale. Just don't say that you're non-resident. You'll obviously still have to pay the usual taxes...