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Politics Dr. Ron Paul supporter??


New member
I am only creating this thread for responses.

i don't care if your are DEM or REP, I am a proud American and, though I have always been in the middle of most debates, i am a supporter of Dr. Ron Paul.

Just curious if anyone else does and or their opinion...
LOTS of us supporting Ron Paul, back in the States too..however, looks like the two buddies are getting the most corporate funding instead..
Rep. Paul has some great ideas such as non-interventionism, anti outsourcing of jobs etc. He is wrong, in my view, when he advocates eliminating Social Security or Medicare. By the way, why must you call him "Dr"? He is not a practicing doctor, but a member of Congress and his title as a Representative takes precedence over any other past work he did or titles he may have.
He has some good ideas but in all reality a guy like him will NEVER go far in the US political system. A guy like him could never get elected president in the USA.