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  1. S

    Taxes Earning dollars, spending pesos

    It looks like you're here because you have an Argentine girlfriend. If you intend to stay long term, sign long term rental contracts, obtain health insurance, and do most of the normal things, you need to obtain either temporary (and then permanent) residency or citizenship. Marrying your...
  2. S

    Taxes Cristina asks AFIP to investigate man who commented for newspaper article

    So says Cristina's lap-dog. I would find it hard to believe if Cristina asked her dogs to investigate someone because he offended her highness and they came back with, "Nope. Everything's dandy!" Its possible that the guy didn't pay his taxes (he should go to jail for that, if there is a jail...
  3. S

    Taxes Cristina asks AFIP to investigate man who commented for newspaper article

    This is how things are done in Dubai...well almost. If the royal family thinks you've upset them, then you get thrown in jail. Its not good that you can easily compare what Cristina does to what a dictator in the middle east does. However, if I was still in Dubai, I wouldn't be writing anything...
  4. S

    Newcomer Protecting apt from robbery

    Thanks good to know. I'd love to have a dog here, but it's probably not in the cards. So insurance it is.
  5. S

    Newcomer Protecting apt from robbery

    Another apartment in our building was robbed last night so I'm wondering if there's anything we should do to protect our own. We were thinking of getting renter's insurance (through Mapfre?). Any other suggestions?