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This is how things are done in Dubai...well almost. If the royal family thinks you've upset them, then you get thrown in jail. Its not good that you can easily compare what Cristina does to what a dictator in the middle east does.

However, if I was still in Dubai, I wouldn't be writing anything that could be perceived as critical of the ruler. So, there still are quite a few freedoms here that a lot of people around the world don't have.
Turns out the guy doesn't file his taxes since 2007. He's quite stupid to have declared he has been closing about 12/15 deals every month during the past years.

Reminds me of the owners of the grocery market nearby my house: they avoid paying 300.000/400.000 pesos in taxes per year but complain about everything.
Turns out the guy doesn't file his taxes since 2007. He's quite stupid to have declared he has been closing about 12/15 deals every month during the past years.

Reminds me of the owners of the grocery market nearby my house: they avoid paying 300.000/400.000 pesos in taxes per year but complain about everything.
So says Cristina's lap-dog.

I would find it hard to believe if Cristina asked her dogs to investigate someone because he offended her highness and they came back with, "Nope. Everything's dandy!"

Its possible that the guy didn't pay his taxes (he should go to jail for that, if there is a jail sentence for tax evasion here), but its also possible that they just propped up a case against him to teach him, and others who'd open their mouths, a lesson.
You should be able to criticize the government without having tax inspectors come knocking on your door. In a healthy democracy with institutions, the tax office operates independently and doesn't pursue people based on their politics.

The Ks used this tactic last week also on the owners of a bakery (who also run a soup kitchen for children) who invited Jorge Lanata to come and film and do his episode from their soup kitchen. On the program Lanata criticized Cristina and the governor of the province. The day after the program aired they got a visit from tax inspectors.

I am not excusing this guy for not paying taxes since 2007, but I think he has a right to speak up without attracting the attention from government inspectors. The tax office should be investigating all non-filers, no matter their political affiliation... not just after you criticize the government.
All countries do that. So CK is in the norm.

I don't agree with the way the money from the taxes I don't pay is used. lol (the guy must be a cousin of Romney)
If Argentina starts putting in jail, all those that didn't pay the proper taxes....you wouldn't have enough jail space for all of the locals. You'd have to turn Recoleta, Barrio Norte, Palermo and Puerto Madero all into one big prison...