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  1. dark

    Politics Before the meeting with the governors, Franco pointed out against Kicillof: “He should be a little more respectful” - Infobae

    Before the meeting with the governors, Franco pointed out against Kicillof: “He should be a little more respectful” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/07/antes-de-la-reunion-con-los-gobernadores-francos-apunto-contra-kicillof-deberia-ser-un-poco-mas-respetuoso/ March...
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    Politics Piqueteros will march again this week to the Ministry of Economy to demand for the soup kitchens and reject the adjustment - Infobae

    Piqueteros will march again this week to the Ministry of Economy to demand for the soup kitchens and reject the adjustment - Infobae Source...
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    Economy The reactions of the political arc after the new inflation rate - Infobae

    The reactions of the political arc after the new inflation rate - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/15/las-reacciones-del-arco-politico-tras-el-nuevo-indice-de-inflacion/ February 14, 2024 This Wednesday, Indec reported that the price increase in January was 20.6%...
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    Economy Milei meets this noon with Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, the largest global investment fund: they could talk about privatizations- Infobae

    Milei se reúne este mediodía con el CEO de Blackrock, Larry Fink, el mayor fondo de inversión global: podrían hablar de privatizaciones - Infobae Source...
  5. dark

    Politics Omnibus law and IMF demand: the Government puts pressure on Congress and seems to ignore its own risks - Infobae

    Omnibus law and IMF demand: the Government puts pressure on Congress and seems to ignore its own risks - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/17/ley-omnibus-y-demanda-del-fmi-el-gobierno-mete-presion-al-congreso-y-parece-desatender-riesgos-propios/ January 17, 2024 The...
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    Economy The Government analyzes changes in the regime for making purchases abroad - La Nación

    The Government analyzes changes in the regime for making purchases abroad - La Nación Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/el-gobierno-analiza-cambios-en-el-regimen-para-hacer-compras-en-el-exterior-nid03012024/ January 04, 2024 They are working on expanding the limits for...
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    Food & Drink Tierra de Nadie, American Bar

    Ideal spot for indulging in an excellent burger. I tried the Bourbon ($8600), and it surpassed my expectations: substantial, buttery and soft bun, melted cheese, top-notch meat. The fries were equally impressive, all wonderfully crispy on the outside and tender inside. I paired it with a...
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    Newcomer The best places to visit with your family

    Wow there really is a lot to visit! thanks for sharing this report of places, I will be arriving in Buenos Aires in a few days and this helps me to plan my outings and tours.
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    Trip Reports Colonia Money run via Buquebus - A quick review

    We went cattle (tourist) class yesterday because I had to leave and re-enter for an Argentine bureaucracy reason, and it was smooth sailing. Definitely agree with seeing Colonia outside the high season, because I'm sure it could be aggravating with the touristy crowds and the even higher prices...
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    For Sale Selling an adjustable office chair

    I, personally, know this is NOT my forum, the forum is in the care of the participants. This forum is the most intellectual and substantive forum that I have ever experienced. So when I write something then......it has to be respectful of those two qualities and of the people whom I share it...
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    For Sale Selling an adjustable office chair

    After reading the comments....I can see why you might be leaving
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    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Please its certainly not cheaper than the phillipines as food prices ,rental prices, cars furniture , clothing are double in us dollars than anywhere in that country