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  1. R

    Real Estate Sales Retirement in Buenos Aires

    You need to study this website first. It's slightly off putting that you obviously haven't done that.
  2. R

    Politics HUGE Protest Tonight 7 PM! Corrientes/Pueyrredon & Santa Fe/Callao.

    I was reading an interesting post by someone that boils down to.... Excluding the Clarin channels who else honestly covered the protests? C5N were trying to reduce them to a protest about dolars and international travel, with analysts there saying how its a minority in Buenos Aires blah blah...
  3. R

    Apartment Rental Is this the right time to buy a flat in Argentina?

    Everybody has a different idea of what a high price is, and what a good deal is- but if you can buy a 2 bedroom in Palacio Salvo for $130k US, I sure dont consider that to be "higher that BA". An equivalent apartment in an equivalent building and location in BA could easily be double or triple...
  4. R

    Banking Bank Account With Just a Passport and CDI Number (No DNI)

    I have a Santander Rio account, opened without DNI, however my company organised it and I am on my 2nd yr of residency,just still never received my DNI (every time I go to ask they tell me it's in the mail, 15 months now, I may faint if I ever actually receive one). So it's possible without a...
  5. R

    Economy No dollar purchases (for locals) unless travelling abroad?

    You have not met a single greedy Porteño?? I find that quite hard to believe as some, especially with ex-pats, seem to think that an ex pat is the equivalent to a human ATM machine. read it again YankiGallego Tom doesnt live in Bsas ie the vipers nest of sleazy corrupt lawyers and all round...
  6. R

    Real Estate Sales Explain It To Me: Pesification and Real Estate Prices

    Maybe not the same but life on the roller coaster has both ups and downs Keep calm and carry on
  7. R

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    Again, Dont hold any peso over night!!!! Any seller of real estate are not forced to sell if the conditions are not ok, (price). Legally, on the paper, you can be forced to do the transaction in pesos, but, at that same time you just need to calculate in the risk and the loweer value of the...
  8. R

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    The real estate market is already officially denominated in pesos, look at your title of deed, escritura! It shows a small peso transaction/value amount. Nothing close to the real transactonal value of the property. The only thing Keratina could do, would be to force people only to list and do...
  9. R

    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    I'll post again later, but somehow the whole system is wicked : - Very low classes : Insecurity = no access to clean water, very poor access to education, very poor access to health services, in case of an abortion = finish on a backroom table with an improvised medic, racism (los negros)...