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  1. E

    "Ruta 33": Super Storm Approaching Buenos Aires

    It depends on where you are standing, if you calculate that you can make a U-turn and go back to the last town you passed is a good idea for me. The last time I got caught in a storm like this I was arriving to Picun Leufu in Neuquen, as I was almost there I went to the town, I rented a house...
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    "Ruta 33": Super Storm Approaching Buenos Aires

    It is incredible how you lose the scale of what a storm is while you are in the city, but on the road, in the middle of the clean forest when there is nothing between you and the storm. but if you go on a motorcycle I feel genuine fear, I feel that I will sh*t myself dying if that gigantic mass...
  3. E

    Trip Reports The rail infrastructure in Buenos Aires is poorly designed.

    How nice it would be to see the return of those trains that used to take you to every corner of the country...
  4. E

    Trip Reports Temaiken Biopark

    I went to this place a long time ago. It is a nice place where you exchange a lot with nature and meet all the species of LATAM although more Argentinean! A nice visit to do with the family and if you have children even better!
  5. E

    Travel How to register the SUBE card in my name

    I started to travel by Uber on long trips because it wouldn't make much difference! For example from my house to work I pay 10 dollars round trip in Uber (I'll be at work in 30 minutes) and in public transportation I was going to pay 2/3 dollars but it takes me much longer because I take 2...
  6. E

    Newcomer Going to Live in Bariloche...any advice?

    thanks so much nicole. do you have any other advice? any particular neighborhoods you recommend? will it be easy to get internet connected if it is not advertised with it already in place? do you think i will need a car? if so can i buy and insure something with my us driver's license on a...
  7. E

    Newcomer Going to Live in Bariloche...any advice?

    Can anyone offer any advice on how to find an apartment in bariloche? thanks in advance!