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  1. N

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    How much money do you think Alberto might have offered to the witnesses who are coming forward? https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/08/30/alberto-fernandez-aporto-el-testimonio-de-una-ninera-que-dijo-que-fabiola-yanez-tenia-moretones-por-un-tratamiento-estetico/
  2. N

    Newcomer Tips for International Students to Integrate into Local Life in Buenos Aires

    Roland is right; it's a great way to socialize and stay connected with the culture of Buenos Aires. I took classes at this place a while ago, and honestly, I really liked it, the atmosphere, the teacher, and the people were all very friendly. https://licanalaurasvartz.com/ar/tango
  3. N

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    This guy disgusts me. Some of the chats they found are chilling, referring to girls as young as 7 and even 3 years old... He deserves the worst punishment! Let him rot in jail.
  4. N

    Newcomer Men, Be Careful!

    The "black widows" are still on the attack; this time, the victim was a retiree. https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/policiales/2024/08/28/salvaje-ataque-de-dos-viudas-negras-en-la-plata-drogaron-a-un-jubilado-y-le-rompieron-una-botella-de-whisky-en-la-cabeza/
  5. N

    More and more locals are fighting back against crime

    Another family holding their own.
  6. N

    Education Bilingual City: New English Learning Program in BA

    It's an excellent initiative! From what I read, there's also strategic English training, so a waiter, for example, can learn the basics to interact with tourists, or a police officer can do the same. Each area has a specific module. Not many people speak English here, so I think it's a great...
  7. N

    Education Private Universities in Buenos Aires Offering Business or Marketing Degrees in English?

    San Andrés University offers a Business program in English. You can check it out here: https://udesa.edu.ar/san-andres-summer-school-latam
  8. N

    Newcomer Which neighborhood do you recommend?

    I really like Las Cañitas (which is technically part of Palermo). It’s a great mix of bars and restaurants but with a more family-friendly vibe. So yeah, Palermo wins again! 😄
  9. N

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Finally, Milei officially ended the insurance scheme. He repealed decrees that removed the privileges of Nación Seguros, YPF, Banco Nación, and Optar in public contracts. He said: "Public companies must SERVE the citizens, not TAKE ADVANTAGE of them. If these privileges were used to foster...
  10. N

    Argentine Senators give themselves yet another raise

    It’s not final yet; they need to review that increase. It seems they might roll it back. https://www.ambito.com/politica/marcha-atras-el-aumento-sueldo-senadores-n6050638
  11. N

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    You’re right, and what’s worse is that many people around him knew about the situation and did nothing. This guy, (an actor and Kirchnerist activist) Pablo Echarri says that he and many others knew but pretended not to. It was convenient for him to fake dementia to continue receiving government...
  12. N

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    It’s incredible how new cases of corruption keep emerging every day. This time in Tucumán, the person responsible for auditing the province’s accounts, Miguel Terraf, was funneling millions in funds to his family.
  13. N

    Newcomer Who Is Responsible for Property Insurance?

    If that’s what’s stated in the contract, then you would need to pay it. However, generally, it’s the owner who should cover it, not the tenant.
  14. N

    Is crime getting worse? Is safety getting more complicated during this recession?

    I’ve been living here for a few years now, and I believe some things have improved in terms of security. I occasionally see reports of robberies on the news, but I’ve never experienced anything personally. In fact, just today, I saw a story where security cameras helped catch the thieves who...
  15. N

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    She had some issues a few years ago due to a leaked pornographic video of her with her then-boyfriend. In fact, she sued Google and Yahoo for allowing the video to be spread. You’re right, she does have a profile on OnlyFans :ROFLMAO:
  16. N

    If you had an Argentine friend in a really bad situation

    Yes, that’s very common here. I understood this after meeting locals. I was surprised to learn that many people in their twenties still live with their parents, even though they’re adults. Many do it to save money, while others can’t afford to rent an apartment on their salary. People here...
  17. N

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    She is a TV presenter who hosts a daily show on a major network. She continues to clarify...
  18. N

    Newcomer Just like in "Relatos Salvajes"

    I saw the news today and couldn’t believe the madness of that woman. It’s incredible how people can reach such absurd extremes. It also reminded me of that movie, how an ordinary day can turn into a day of rage.
  19. N

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    I know it’s repugnant, but all these images need to be seen by everyone who supported him throughout his presidency and always defended him. It’s more proof of how disgusting this guy really is. I feel second-hand embarrassment!
  20. N

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Unfortunately, he won't go to jail because the sentence is conditional, and since it's being appealed, it's not final. So, he can go about his life as usual; he just can't hold public office. They always find a way to get away with it, and since these corrupt politicians have a lot of money...