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Education Bilingual City: New English Learning Program in BA

It's an excellent initiative! From what I read, there's also strategic English training, so a waiter, for example, can learn the basics to interact with tourists, or a police officer can do the same. Each area has a specific module. Not many people speak English here, so I think it's a great start.

The goal is to train professions that interact most with tourists, like police officers, nurses, traffic agents, taxi drivers, and hospitality staff. Plus, the course offers an internationally recognized certification. It’s great they thought of this, especially since Buenos Aires sees a lot of tourist traffic.😊

With many things, it sounds good in theory but no so in practice. Once again private sector does it better.
Correct. Private always does it better and cheaper. There is a lot of corruption here with everything.
I still see this as a positive step since many people can't afford paid apps, courses, or private institutes. Providing a free option helps make learning English accessible to everyone. Besides, they didn't even give it a day before saying it's a bad idea, haha. We'll see how it turns out!

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