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  1. Lucia

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Who can live on just 224 USD a month? Most of these retirees worked and contributed their whole lives for a decent pension. No one will convince me that this is acceptable. It doesn’t matter if it was the Kirchnerists or Milei; they continue to cut back on the most vulnerable sector.
  2. Lucia

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    The numbers speak for themselves: poverty reached 52% of the population in the first semester, more than half, and nearly 18% of the population is indigent. It's a sad situation...
  3. Lucia

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    This corresponds to a semester, 180 days.🤦‍♀️
  4. Lucia

    Newcomer Tips for International Students to Integrate into Local Life in Buenos Aires

    I had a lot of success in BA using the Meetup app to find fun events and meet-up spots. https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/apps/
  5. Lucia

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    The funniest part was what he said to the assistant when they leaned in to whisper something in his ear. He goes, "No, boludo! It's word-for-word from Milei's speech." 🤦‍♀️...
  6. Lucia

    Newcomer Payment Issues on tuentrada.com

    The email is info@tuentrada.com. Also, you can contact them via X or Instagram. I think that might be more effective than filling out a form. https://www.instagram.com/tuentrada/?hl=es https://x.com/tuentrada?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
  7. Lucia

    Newcomer Payment Issues on tuentrada.com

    Have you been able to send an email? I had that issue once, and they resolved it quickly after I sent an email explaining the problem.
  8. Lucia

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    The mayor of Quinta de Olivos, who is very close to Alberto Fernández, declared today that he was unaware of the violence against Fabiola. It was obvious he wasn't going to speak out against his friend...
  9. Lucia

    What is Modo, Argentina's virtual wallet (Discounts at Coto and other stores) - Mercado Pago competitor

    Yes, I think Mercado Pago rarely offers promotions and discounts, but I believe they’ll start considering it now to stay competitive. MODO has a lot of discounts and promotions, and it’s easy to use: https://www.modo.com.ar/promos
  10. Lucia

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Oh, I just saw this guy’s unpleasant posts. I used to follow him because his content seemed interesting. But coming here and making those comments about the LGBTQ+ community, criticizing without understanding the kind of country he's in, is really disappointing. Argentina was a pioneer in...
  11. Lucia

    More and more locals are fighting back against crime

    These days, violence is present in all areas, including education. While it might seem like the news about a student from the University of Buenos Aires threatening to kill his classmates with a shotgun is typical of the United States, this kind of violence and crime is not common here...
  12. Lucia

    Economy What will the cost of living increases be for August 2024 (Utilities, transportation, rent, etc) ?

    Get ready to open your wallets, another hike in telecommunications is coming, affecting phone, internet, and cable TV services. We all know that price increases from companies like Personal, Movistar, and Claro are rarely small; they usually hit people’s wallets hard and negatively impact the...
  13. Lucia

    Newcomer Buying Quality Running Shoes in Buenos Aires or Canada?

    Here’s your answer: here we have the most expensive sneakers in the world.:confused: The most expensive sneakers in the world: According to UBA (University of Buenos Aires), Argentina has the highest cost of living in the region and surpasses some European countries...
  14. Lucia

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Due to this, there will be a transport strike on Thursday, August 22, and Friday, August 23, so stay tuned. As always, the ones who will be most affected are those who need to commute to work every day. In the end, it’s always the same people who suffer the consequences: those who travel daily...
  15. Lucia

    Newcomer Any good fiambrerias in Palermo?

    Yes, that fiambrería is excellent, though a bit pricey, as @Uncle Wong mentioned. He’s referring to Fiambrería Valenti. Every time I go shopping at Patio Bullrich, I can’t resist and end up buying from there. It’s expensive, but it’s worth it. https://valenticorporativo.com.ar/...
  16. Lucia

    Newcomer Why is nobody speaking the truth about BA?

    Argentina is a rollercoaster of economic shifts. I arrived in December when everything was incredibly affordable, but by January, prices had skyrocketed. However, I still believe the comparison isn't entirely fair because the quality of food in Argentina is simply outstanding. You can enjoy a...
  17. Lucia

    Newcomer Tipping in BA

    You should come to Europe. Tipping is not customary here. Waiters make a living from their wages.
  18. Lucia

    Politics The President redoubled his criticism of Lali Espósito: “If you like peaches, ignore the fluff. "I'm not going to stay silent." - Infobae

    The President redoubled his criticism of Lali Espósito: “If you like peaches, ignore the fluff. "I'm not going to stay silent." - Infobae Source...
  19. Lucia

    Food & Drink J.W. Bradley Ltd - Themed Bar

    This bar is truly a journey aboard the Orient Express. Absolutely amazing, its vintage and railway-themed ambiance transports us directly to 19th-century Europe and American bars during the Prohibition era. We even enter through an English train carriage! It's a complete experience in every...
  20. Lucia

    Food & Drink Gran Dabbang Palermo

    Thanks for the review, we are in Buenos Aires and had heard about this place! We will definitely go there.