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  1. C

    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    Even if what you say is true a better question is whether or not this is a sustainable model or just a flash in the pan. My opinion is that it is the later. I believe if the policies that have been implemented under the Kirchners continue that the country will enter another period of problems...
  2. C

    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    I appreciate your insightful post. One of Perry's points that you didn't address was the economic growth achievements of the government. While Perry focuses on a few years, it's important to note that Chile and Brazil have experienced sustained growth over decades. Additionally, there's a common...
  3. C

    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    The Economist piece I would say is a good synopsis. The next year should be very interesting.
  4. C

    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    Of course Mark Wesibrot is a well know lefty, supporter of Hugo and other like regimes, not surprising that his view was positive. I'm sure we will be able to read many perhaps less biased and balanced accounts of Nestor's activities in coming days.