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  1. RichardOne

    Food & Drink How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    How does one rate "Good Service" for a cup of coffee ??. Time delay, glass of soda water, prompt bill presentation..? Quality not mentioned? I can't remember when I had good espresso here!
  2. RichardOne

    Newcomer Hi, are there any hotels that will let you use their pools for the day?

    Just checked on the phone , after the Pandemic , Pool memberships for non guests are temporarily suspended. Sorry.
  3. RichardOne

    Newcomer Hi, are there any hotels that will let you use their pools for the day?

    The Sheraton Retiro allows non-guests to become members of the Pool Club , with privileges to use the Pool, Sauna, Gym and Tennis Courts. (For day pass or season). Other hotels with Pools also provide such privileges
  4. RichardOne

    Taxes How to get money *out* of Argentina?

    Indeed, it's somewhat of a leap of faith in this process. The concept involves exchanging your pesos for someone else's foreign currency locally, and then, as a separate step, they credit your account abroad. It's a sequential arrangement where trust is a key factor. On the other hand, if you...
  5. RichardOne

    Economy Wham here comes the tsunami

    ery true , excellent comments.! yesterday on TV the Head of the BA Realtors Assoc. mentioned that one of his clients that lives in the US, asked him to put on the market his 10 units in Palermo , and suggested lower the prices 15 % and if necessary go down to 20 %....
  6. RichardOne

    Visas Re-entering as a tourist after Temporary Residence

    Your message is totally unclear , don't bother...!
  7. RichardOne

    Visas Re-entering as a tourist after Temporary Residence

    May be of Help https://www.argentina.gob.ar/obtener-la-ciudadania-argentina
  8. RichardOne

    Newcomer living cost for one person in BA?

    Very true Aleman many Years ago... was like close to $US 400 for shared hospital room hospitalization (if Over 60)- I Explored all the Options.. By LAw all Heath Providers, should accept all residents Over 60, BUT for instance at OSDE you must apply at Cabildo Headquarters? and go through a...
  9. RichardOne

    Politics What This Means For Ex Pats

    Maximo Kirchner was the first one to give the Acceptance speech for the Fernandez Victory Act. The Campora is back....
  10. RichardOne

    Banking ATM Maximum Withdrawal Limit with Foreign ATM card

    Thanks ... If you are a customer of a local bank your limit could be set much higher.... ?
  11. RichardOne

    Banking ATM Maximum Withdrawal Limit with Foreign ATM card

    For Banelco ATM's $2400 pesos by extraction .. I hear ... twice a day from any US Bank account Credit or Debit. Fee $120 pesos or more
  12. RichardOne

    Banking US credit card not accepted anymore

    At Coto supermarkets while using a USA credit card the cashier called the supervisor who instructed her on how to use it. When swiped on the side doesn't work must be inserted in the front of the device. Sometimes debit cards must be read as Credit to work...?
  13. RichardOne

    Apartment Rental Is Airbnb the best place search a couple of months rental?

    many many sites like Trip Advisor o the listing in the link below https://www.google.com.ar/search?q=....69i57j0l3.18029j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.es.welcome2ba.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_cvTua6N3gIV5r2zCh3o_AT9EAEYASAAEgKkhvD_BwE
  14. RichardOne

    Apartment Rental Looking for a furnished appartement in Palermo or Recoletta for about 2 years.

    Nice 3 bdrm. apt excellent location in Palermo see link, furnished flats fall under temporary rentals. Unfurnished on a 24 month lease would go for about US$2000 ... The flat below Monthly ..? must find out? https://www.tripadvisor.com/Vacatio...BA-Buenos_Aires_Capital_Federal_District.html
  15. RichardOne

    Politics In the midst of a Crisis Macri picks up daughter from school in a helicopter

    Seems safe to fly , even armored vehicles can be kidnaped
  16. RichardOne

    Real Estate Sales Financing a Place in Argentina

    Call on the Phone RE/MAX in Palermo and find out what properties they have listed where the Seller can offer financing , see if you Qualify, and find out the type of lien on the purchased Property? They sure have all the answers..! Good luck...
  17. RichardOne

    Banking Do not bank with Santander Río!

    Santander refused to open me an account when I had a Temporary residence visa. when I got the permanent visa had no problem to open an account . Banks do have regulations..
  18. RichardOne

    Taxes Atm Fees Up?

    Close to 9 % on a $2000 peso extraction... :eek: :eek: :eek: Plus the fee from your bank for an international extraction. UNLESS YOU HAVE A CARD WITH NO FEES... YES
  19. RichardOne

    Economy It's Too Expensive Here!

    True assuming Real Estate prices are Steady??
  20. RichardOne

    Updating Your Old Dni To The New Dni

    IMMO it requires a turno below is the link to request a turno for the new DNI. The old booklet will be no longer valid in 2015. http://turnos.mininterior.gov.ar/turnosWeb/