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  1. alexis h

    Newcomer Passing on some advice about tourist SIM cards/chips

    We purchased the Claro tourist SIMs the other day, but they ended up costing $15,000 each, not the $9,000 as advertised on their website.
  2. alexis h

    Newcomer Good starting point for a walk

    Thank you all for the information. So, from where exactly should I order the taxi as my starting point?
  3. alexis h

    Newcomer Good starting point for a walk

    Where is a good starting point for a walk in Buenos Aires? Would you suggest Palermo or Recoleta? We are seeking an "Argentinian feel" with some shops and bars as well.
  4. alexis h

    Newcomer Which color bus do you prefer for the Hop-On Hop-Off service: red or yellow?

    Braitonj's advice is excellent. We followed his recommendation last week and stayed on the bus for the entire tour, then returned via taxi.
  5. alexis h

    Newcomer If I can only choose one, which is better: Santiago or Buenos Aires?

    I don't view travel in terms of choosing between this or that. For me, it's a matter of when I'll visit a particular place, not if I will. Given the likelihood that you'll be traveling more, you'll eventually get to all the places on your list. It might be helpful to start by selecting one...
  6. alexis h

    Newcomer Questions related to the practical aspects of cash in BA

    Certainly, Walter's question covers a lot of ground for your upcoming cruise in South America and Antarctica. Considering the potential challenges with carrying a significant amount of cash, especially with the concerns about ATM reliability and long lines in Buenos Aires, using your HSBC Global...