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  1. J

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    I hoped to be thoughtful but I didn’t expect it to be articulate. It was a drunken vent, written from a corner of Andalusia, to distract from a slow-motion relationship breakdown Despite that I use airbnb to facilitate my lifestyle, I recognise that it is extremely problematic. I hate that I...
  2. J

    Banking Western Union money transfer

    When I used Xoom and didn't have a local bank account, I was extremely watchful leaving MORE MONEY on Libertad near Santa Fe. The recent transfer was three times what I usually transfer to myself. We all hope you never have any issues. "they had no idea what I was talking about (woman's...
  3. J

    Banking Western Union money transfer

    A few weeks ago I checked to see how much WU was offering. I did this several times over two or three days. They sent me an email apologizing for problems with the system that included a special code for my next transfer without a fee. My transfer was completed the next day. That was the first...
  4. J

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    I don’t know if this is the right place to pose this question, though I feel the topic has drifted sufficiently that such a question remains on topic, would withdrawing protectionism policies that Argentina maintains be beneficial? Please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that Argentina...
  5. J

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Would it be fair to argue that for true and huge reform, that it would be so politically unpalatable that it perhaps perpetuates the impossibility of it reasonably occurring? However, there’s only so much road you can kick the can down, and I think that’s a problem throughout the west that for...
  6. J

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    I don’t know whether or not it’s naivety on my part but I would consider the presidency a poisoned chalice by any measure. I truly believe you’d have to be insane to a strong degree to even want to pursue it. In any case, it saddens me that a country so rich in passion, culture, resources, and...
  7. J

    Banking How to bring in USD Legally to buy property?

    Now they use bond swaps. The company just charged a flat % rate and promised their commission wouldn’t go above that. I had to fill out some paperwork and keep in mind they do a background check. They said that they can’t have a criminal record as they have big problems with the Central Bank...
  8. J

    Economy Argentina needs a recession, not dollarization

    I tend to find the people who desire a recession are those that suffer least under the consequences of one
  9. J

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    I didn’t find your reply at all condescending, I found it refreshingly honest and matter-of-fact. In hindsight, I think there’s a certain irony of me redirecting blame to property owners, while I exercise geographical arbitrage for my own economic benefit. Thank you for the good luck. In many...
  10. J

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    Just for some clarity, as somebody in their twenties, participating in any economy these days feels like starting a game of monopoly when 3/4 of the board is occupied and without the benefit of collecting $20 after passing go. The bulk of what there is to be had, has been had, and even owning a...
  11. J

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    I feel that I may trigger some controversy but this is my take. The perspective I tend to find is that, outside the 1%, there are two classes: those with assets, and those without assets. Those with assets want to sustain a certain quality of life off the passive income of those assets...
  12. J

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    They have ruined neighborhoods in Barcelona
  13. J

    Real Estate News BAExpat Member Featured In the La Nación

    There are many Russians coming here because they are now persona non grata in the US. The last time I was in Migracion there were a couple of Russian fighting age males who said that they have better things to do than go to Ukraine.
  14. J

    Newcomer Hi, are there any hotels that will let you use their pools for the day?

    How does one contact them for this? Any idea of prices?
  15. J

    Electronics iPhone 3GS screen replacement

    Yes, he is Daniel at Todo Laptop in Olivos. He's a good man and does this every day. I'll post his number when I get to work. Daniel's tel: 4790 6716. Entre Rios y Maipu.