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  1. R

    Education Belgrano Day School or Lincoln School?

    Hi there, I’ll soon be in Bs As and I need some advice on bilingual school. I’m English and my wife is Argentinian Which of these two schools offers the best education? My children are only 2, 3 and 4 years old growing fast… I would like to get my them on one of these school but I’m not too...
  2. R

    Economy Dolar turista - does it work for ATM withdrawals?

    I don't usually max it out, so I don't know, but maybe someone else can jump in to this conversation here.
  3. R

    Economy Dolar turista - does it work for ATM withdrawals?

    I didn't bother to inquire, I just won't go back to HSBC. At a Link ATM at Banco de la Nación on Tuesday my rate was about 343 to the dollar with the ATM fee factored in. I think the surcharge fee was something like 1.500, but I wasn't paying that close attention.
  4. R

    Economy Dolar turista - does it work for ATM withdrawals?

    FWIW, as an update/caveat, I withdrew at HSBC for the first time yesterday and only got something near the oficial rate, so I suppose there's always an exception.
  5. R

    Economy Dolar turista - does it work for ATM withdrawals?

    I don't always use the same brand, and haven't noticed any of them using a different rate.
  6. R

    Economy Dolar turista - does it work for ATM withdrawals?

    I've been getting the Dólar Tarjeta rate at ATMs (https://www.lanacion.com.ar/tema/dolar-tarjeta-tid50462/), so not *quite* at the Blue rate but not far off. I'm not sure if it depends what type of foreign debit card it is? I also have a Schwab bank account, so presumably it will be the same for...
  7. R

    Banking transering $ abroad from apt sale

    Can someone (ndcj?) clarify if this is still possible and legal? That is, can I still "legally" purchase a depto via an off-shore/extranjero dollar transfer, without fear of hassles/fees from AFIP when I later sell? Given the new laws of 31Oct.2011 (regarding purchases of deptos by...