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  1. M

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    The director of ANSES has accused the previous government of allegedly misappropriating 118 million pesos. The mess from the previous administration is still coming to light...
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    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Well, according to a recent study, Uruguay has become the most expensive country in Latin America, with some of the highest prices in the region for many products and services, actually, it's even pricier than some developed countries. But here's the big difference: the average minimum wage...
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    Politics Does Having Children Matter for Leading a Country? amazing what this peronist politician says!

    They criticize him for everything, even his dogs, we've heard journalists at Adorni's conferences always asking nonsense questions about his dogs, and we've heard them always ask him questions about his dogs...
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    Newcomer What's the nightlife like in Buenos Aires and wich bars/clubs are worth visiting?

    Here's a thread that might be helpful; it lists the top 10 most popular bars. I hope you enjoy the nightlife in BA! https://www.expatsba.com/threads/10-bars-you-must-visit-if-you-go-to-ba.1605/
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    Alberto Fernández's assets frozen amid insurance scandal - Surprise Surprise!

    This is just the beginning, and not only his assets were inhibited, but also his secretary's...so much corruption. https://www.clarin.com/politica/bienes-alberto-fernandez-secretaria-ahora-inhibidos-causa-escandalo-seguros_0_kbaTeMKZV4.html