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Alberto Fernández's assets frozen amid insurance scandal - Surprise Surprise!

Betsy Ross

Well-known member
Actually NOT a surprise. Who knows what other scams they will uncover. You saw this coming!

Alberto Fernández's assets frozen amid insurance scandal​

This is just the beginning, and not only his assets were inhibited, but also his secretary's...so much corruption.

More dirt in the government of Alberto Fernandez, politics disgusts me.:sick:

More dirt in the government of Alberto Fernandez, politics disgusts me.:sick:

This is probably only the tip of the iceberg. Never was a President of Argentina that wanted to get to the bottom of all the theft.
Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchner have contributed to the destruction of Argentina's economy and politics, leaving a mess that will take years to repair.
The indiscriminate corruption makes me sick, convictions that were never served...the judicial system is a disaster.

There is still more dirt in Alberto's government...now I understand why he fled to Spain.

Now it turns out that Victoria Tolosa Paz wants to deny the undeniable. She shouldn't show up after all the evidence proving her corrupt management.
