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    Pettovello denting Milei's approval ratings

    And she also says that she doesn't resign because she doesn't want to leave him alone, maybe the problem was trusting that her team was doing a job and it wasn't. I think it's good that she resists next to Milei...
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    Newcomer What are some must-see attractions or hidden gems in BA?

    Hello Rose Mary! When I was in BA, I visited San Telmo Market and absolutely loved it. You can find restaurants, street food stalls, and explore the arts and antiques fair. Walking through its picturesque streets is a wonderful experience. Plus, there are plenty of great bars in the area. Here's...
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    Any guesses where we think the Blue dollar exchange rate will head in 2024?

    Apparently that is what the experts say...We will see, Argentina is a box of surprises 😊 https://www.cronista.com/finanzas-mercados/dolar-cuanto-subira-en-los-proximos-meses-segun-los-principales-analistas/