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  1. J

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Importing coffee from producing countries like Brazil and Colombia involves import costs, tariffs, and exchange rate fluctuations, which drive up the final price, making it an expensive product here. I'm not a big coffee drinker myself, I’ve gotten used to drinking mate, and I love it. I only...
  2. J

    Argentina police pepper spray pension protesters

    Many members of La Libertad Avanza don't want the veto applied and are willing to cut more in public spending and state employee salaries, but they don't want pensions touched. That’s how most people think, there are so many areas to adjust, so why go after the most vulnerable? Just look at this...
  3. J

    Food & Drink Where can I find speakeasies in Buenos Aires?

    Uptown is an incredible option if you’re looking for a unique experience in Buenos Aires. Inspired by the New York City subway, as soon as you enter, you feel like you’re in an authentic subway station, but with an elegant and sophisticated twist. The quality of the cocktails and the attention...
  4. J

    Newcomer Public Hospital or Private Hospital?

    Hi everyone, I’m looking into health insurance options in Argentina and have a few questions. During a recent conversation, someone mentioned that private hospitals offer better care. Is that really true? I’ve heard that hospitals in Buenos Aires provide similar quality care, and the wait times...
  5. J

    Newcomer Access to CNN and CNBC

    Try this site; I always use it to stay updated with news from my country. http://www.freeintertv.com/view/id-200?fbclid=IwY2xjawEzGypleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHV7N_T9ShBNGacqPMGaeb2MJ8jBR339JZVRMibvN7zT8neanLoEh4Rm4Yg_aem_SSK1lqKHJDLastFJ7rveHg
  6. J

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    With the recent revelations about abuse, beatings, and deprivation of liberty, from Alberto to Fabiola, the sensitivity is at an all-time high. In this context, libertarian deputy Lemoine broke down in tears during a session and revealed that she was a victim of rape 18 years ago...
  7. J

    Newcomer Why are imported products so expensive here?

    During my third visit to Argentina, I found myself pinching pennies on random things. Seriously, how are people affording all those local shops and eating out? It feels like there must be a lot of established wealth around that isn’t bothered by the price hikes. I’m here on an American salary...
  8. J

    Newcomer In Buenos Aires, homeless people are freezing to death

    After the first three months of the government of ultra-liberal Javier Milei, the Buenos Aires statistics bureau reported that the destitution rate hit ceilings since it began being measured in 2015. The rate doubled to 16 percent from the first quarter of 2023. Four homeless people have died...
  9. J

    Another robbery in Palermo

    A homeless man was arrested by the City Police last Saturday for attempting to rob a health food store. This man reportedly has multiple prior arrests in Buenos Aires. Crimes like this are becoming increasingly common in Palermo. In this case, the store employee narrowly avoided a serious injury...
  10. J

    Changes in the Sube - Now you can load up to $40,000 on your card

    Previously, the maximum allowed was $9,900. Now, the only thing left to address is increasing the negative balance limit for when people run out of funds, which is currently set at $480.