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Economy Food prices have increased almost 70% since Milei took office: which products have risen the most - Infobae


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Food prices have increased almost 70% since Milei took office: which products have risen the most - Infobae​



March 06, 2024

According to a private report, the item with the greatest increase was warehouse, with an increase of 75.16%. In February, a family needed more than $310,000 to feed themselves

Fruits and Vegetables increased 68.95% in the last three months
Food prices increased by up to 69.7% since Javier Milei became president last December, according to the Neighborhood Price Index (IBP) of the Institute for Social, Economic and Citizen Policy Research (ISEPCi)

The item that increased the most among the foods in the Basic Food Basket was warehouse food with 75.16%, followed by Fruits and Vegetables with 68.95%, while meats increased 62.01%.

The warehouse category rose 75.16% in the last three months

As for February, according to the ISEPCI monthly survey in 850 local businesses in 20 districts of the Buenos Aires suburbs, basic foods rose 14.12%.

Thus, a family of two adults and two small children that in November 2023 needed $182,905.48 per month to feed themselves, in February required $310,431.58 .

If the values of the Total Basic Basket (CBT) are considered, which in addition to food includes health, education, transportation, household rates, among others; The same family of four that needed $393,243.07 in November last February required $665,011.27.

A typical family needed $310,431.58 to feed themselves in February

In this way, neither the minimum retirement with a March bonus ($205,000) nor the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage ($202,800) are enough to cover either of these two baskets.

How high would inflation have been in February?​

While waiting for Indec to publish the Consumer Price Index (CPI), different consulting firms estimated that February inflation was around 15%, in line with what the government expected.

For EcoGo, “February inflation was 15.9% monthly. This means a reduction of 0.4 percentage points compared to the previous week's projection. The decrease responds to a slowdown in food inflation, as a result of a lower record among those consumed outside the home than estimated.”

Regarding food, the consultant pointed out that “the weekly increases in food seem to have consolidated at around 3%. Thus, inflation of food consumed within the home would have been 14.6% in February. If the increases recorded in food consumed outside the home are also considered, food inflation would have been at 14.2 percent.”

The estimates from the C&T consulting firm for the GBA region were slightly higher. They estimate that last month inflation reached 16.3%. Broken down, food rose 11%.

“There were very important moderations in several relevant food items, such as meats, baked goods and oils and fats, and on the contrary, a very strong acceleration in fruits. However, these moderations took place, above all, between the end of January and the beginning of February; In the following weeks, a greater rate of increase was observed,” the report said.

According to Focus Market, among mass consumption products, in the top 10 of those that rose the most in February are: laundry detergent 46.6%, rice 46.4%, disinfectants 40.4%, razors 39.1%, toothpastes 34.4%, broths 31.7%, diapers 29.5%, premixes 25.4%, toilet soap 24.5%, and snacks 18.1%, among others.

In contrast, “the Personal Care and Cleaning categories had a significant drop in February to 5.8% and 7.1% monthly, respectively after average increases of 40% in January. In turn, food rose 7.9% on average and beverages rose to 13.4%, being the category of the mass consumption products family with the highest monthly price variation. During the month, sales in mass consumption suffered a drop of 19.5% year-on-year,” the report highlighted.

In this framework, Milei recently said that “the market consensus would be saying that it is around 15%, and when you subtract the statistical drag, we are very close to single digits. Inflation is clearly going down .”
Food prices under Milei continue to skyrocket! Argentina has the highest rice prices than anywhere in the world right now.

Argentina has the highest rice prices than anywhere in the world right now
i'll try not to curse, for the jesus freaks here.

Argentina prices for rice today:
1307 Pesos/kg if you buy 3 https://www.hiperlibertad.com.ar/arroz-primor-largo-fino-1-kg/p
1450 Pesos/kg https://diaonline.supermercadosdia.com.ar/arroz-shangrila-largo-fino-1-kg-211514/p
1600 Pesos/kg https://www.disco.com.ar/arroz-largo-fino-vanguardia-1-kg/p
1710 Pesos/kg https://www.masonline.com.ar/arroz-gallo-largo-fino-1-kg/p
1800 Pesos/kg https://www.carrefour.com.ar/arroz-largo-fino-molinos-ala-1-kg/p

wow, 1307 pesos for a kilo! so expensive! /s
...so with 967 pesos/Dollar current real-world MEP rate according to www.x.com/ArgentinaMEP that is $1.36 USD on credit card, divided by 2.205 #/kg means $0.62 USD/pound, so let's see how that 62 cents per pound of rice compares to other countries, shall we?

51 cents/pound Sam's Club USA for 25-pound bags https://www.samsclub.com/p/members-mark-long-grain-white-rice-25-lb/prod21350921
55 cents/pound at Walmart (Tampa) USA if you buy a 20-pound bag (just over 9 kilos!) https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Long-Grain-Enriched-Rice-20-lb/10315883
71 cents/pound in London, 1.25 GBP ($1.57 USD) per kilo https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/sainsburys-easy-cook-rice-1kg
73 cents/pound Kroger (Phoenix) USA https://www.frysfood.com/p/kroger-long-grain-rice/0001111084703

looks like London and Phoenix have higher rice prices than Argentina right now. so, Avocado is a confirmed fake-news liar, once again! and none of these Argentine prices are at bulk stores, and don't include the usual massive discounts locals get with local banks offering 30% off and such. locals can get stuff wayyyy cheaper, like in bulk or at chinos and using DNI discounts or bank card specials.

and guess why rice is so expensive, relative to declared income, communist comrade? because your peronist leaders have taxed and tariffed imports to death, which are directly charged to you, the consumer. @Avocado este es ciencias económicas nivel 101; puedes aprender mas en
again, why are you posting lies on an Expat forum? why are you here? what do you offer, other than absolute assertions, uncited, with zero nuance and anything other than "MILEI BAD" when all of thee problems were caused by, and existed during, the last Peronist government? just to be clear: you're a liar (there should be an expletive here, for full effect) and should stop writing false claims that we all can easily look-up. be gone, commie! that "study" by Miglino & Asociados was probably funded by political lobbyists/unions against Milei. i can make-up studies, too, and claim all sorts of things. but if a study gets debunked by a 2-minute Google search, it's not scientific, and you should stop posting stupid links with obvious political lies.
i'll try not to curse, for the jesus freaks here.

Argentina prices for rice today:
1307 Pesos/kg if you buy 3 https://www.hiperlibertad.com.ar/arroz-primor-largo-fino-1-kg/p
1450 Pesos/kg https://diaonline.supermercadosdia.com.ar/arroz-shangrila-largo-fino-1-kg-211514/p
1600 Pesos/kg https://www.disco.com.ar/arroz-largo-fino-vanguardia-1-kg/p
1710 Pesos/kg https://www.masonline.com.ar/arroz-gallo-largo-fino-1-kg/p
1800 Pesos/kg https://www.carrefour.com.ar/arroz-largo-fino-molinos-ala-1-kg/p

wow, 1307 pesos for a kilo! so expensive! /s
...so with 967 pesos/Dollar current real-world MEP rate according to www.x.com/ArgentinaMEP that is $1.36 USD on credit card, divided by 2.205 #/kg means $0.62 USD/pound, so let's see how that 62 cents per pound of rice compares to other countries, shall we?

51 cents/pound Sam's Club USA for 25-pound bags https://www.samsclub.com/p/members-mark-long-grain-white-rice-25-lb/prod21350921
55 cents/pound at Walmart (Tampa) USA if you buy a 20-pound bag (just over 9 kilos!) https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Long-Grain-Enriched-Rice-20-lb/10315883
71 cents/pound in London, 1.25 GBP ($1.57 USD) per kilo https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/sainsburys-easy-cook-rice-1kg
73 cents/pound Kroger (Phoenix) USA https://www.frysfood.com/p/kroger-long-grain-rice/0001111084703

looks like London and Phoenix have higher rice prices than Argentina right now. so, Avocado is a confirmed fake-news liar, once again! and none of these Argentine prices are at bulk stores, and don't include the usual massive discounts locals get with local banks offering 30% off and such. locals can get stuff wayyyy cheaper, like in bulk or at chinos and using DNI discounts or bank card specials.

and guess why rice is so expensive, relative to declared income, communist comrade? because your peronist leaders have taxed and tariffed imports to death, which are directly charged to you, the consumer. @Avocado este es ciencias económicas nivel 101; puedes aprender mas en
again, why are you posting lies on an Expat forum? why are you here? what do you offer, other than absolute assertions, uncited, with zero nuance and anything other than "MILEI BAD" when all of thee problems were caused by, and existed during, the last Peronist government? just to be clear: you're a liar (there should be an expletive here, for full effect) and should stop writing false claims that we all can easily look-up. be gone, commie! that "study" by Miglino & Asociados was probably funded by political lobbyists/unions against Milei. i can make-up studies, too, and claim all sorts of things. but if a study gets debunked by a 2-minute Google search, it's not scientific, and you should stop posting stupid links with obvious political lies.
Yes food is definitely more expensive back in the States. Sure there are a few items that will be more here and most of them are imported. I have found having Argentine family that Argentines like to complain! I can say that having a wife from Argentina! Ha. My guess is Avocado or others would be complaining about something else had Milei not won. Probably the hyperinflation that we would be experiencing now.
complaining is great, when it serves an actionable cause, like shrinking the national government and voting for more individual liberty...but the useless tribal 'sports team' style of 'other team is evil!' is pretty boring. for those wondering how Argentine rice is so expensive, since i mentioned Tariffs last time, Ron Paul is about to go live on his Rumble channel to discuss American tariffs. we can apply the discussion to America as Latin America, especially as Argentina has the chance to reduce tariffs (and allow citizens to pay less at the store for all goods) while the USA just increased tariffs against China (to our detriment)

complaining is great, when it serves an actionable cause, like shrinking the national government and voting for more individual liberty...but the useless tribal 'sports team' style of 'other team is evil!' is pretty boring. for those wondering how Argentine rice is so expensive, since i mentioned Tariffs last time, Ron Paul is about to go live on his Rumble channel to discuss American tariffs. we can apply the discussion to America as Latin America, especially as Argentina has the chance to reduce tariffs (and allow citizens to pay less at the store for all goods) while the USA just increased tariffs against China (to our detriment)

I agree. Complaining all the time about the same thing isn't typically productive. I agree about tariffs. I see what the USA is doing to China with EV's and I disagree. When the USA wants to flood other companies with their technology it's entrepreneurial. When China wants to do the same thing it's antagonizing. You can't have it both ways.