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  1. R

    Politics Axel Kicillof speaks before the Legislative Assembly: he will respond to Milei, with pressure from the opposition to sign the May Pact - Infobae

    Axel Kicillof speaks before the Legislative Assembly: he will respond to Milei, with pressure from the opposition to sign the May Pact - Infobae Source...
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    Politics CGT strike: the labor union and the Ministry of Security agreed to “guarantee a peaceful act” - Infobae

    CGT strike: the labor union and the Ministry of Security agreed to “guarantee a peaceful act” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/23/paro-de-la-cgt-la-central-obrera-y-el-ministerio-de-seguridad-acordaron-garantizar-un-acto-pacifico/ January 23, 2024 Union...
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    Economy After the stop to the DNU, financial dollars suffered their first sharp jump since Milei took office - Infobae

    After the stop to the DNU, financial dollars suffered their first sharp jump since Milei took office - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/04/tras-el-freno-al-dnu-los-dolares-financieros-sufrieron-su-primer-salto-fuerte-desde-que-asumio-milei/ January 04,2023 They...
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    Food & Drink Baum Palermo, Mexican Food

    Excellent! A marvelous experience. The food portions are generous and boast spectacular flavors, with a minimum of 10 spices that elevate the tastes, capturing the essence of Mexican cuisine perfectly. Being attended to by the owner personally added a special touch; I had the fortune of learning...
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    Newcomer Two full days in Buenos Aires and San Telmo Market

    Last week, I explored San Telmo, and in my opinion, it felt very safe. The area was bustling with lots of people, and the market was quite crowded. I couldn't help but wonder, don't people have day jobs? It's amusing! I've been wandering around various parts of Buenos Aires, such as Palermo...
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    Newcomer Taxi questions

    No, credit cards are generally not accepted by taxis in Buenos Aires city. When arriving at EZE airport, it is advisable to use the reliable Taxi Ezeiza service, which has a booth in the arrivals hall. At this booth, you must prepay a fixed rate, and these taxis do accept credit cards...
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    For Sale Selling an adjustable office chair

    50% for a 1 year used chair is a bit greedy... And it looks very basic with no armrests or head rest When I stay in a country for 3-6 months I usually buy an office chair around $200-300 and then just try to sell it for 30% if they pick it up at my apartment on the last day or give it away...
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    Who are the future Expats in Buenos Aires?

    Thank you all for the great perspectives on the future here in Argentina for ex-pats. Is it anyone's opinion that this is a phase as the great wheel of the world economy turns and that in 5-10 years we may find ourselves back in an accommodative city? Or is Buenos Aires going to seal up and...