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  1. Russell

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    Now there's a rumor going around that Alberto Fernández might not be the biological father of the child Fabiola Yáñez had in 2022. Apparently, they reached an agreement for him to acknowledge the child as his own. We'll see how this story unfolds.
  2. Russell

    Recommendations for a private Spanish instructor or tutor in Buenos Aires?

    My wife and I are looking to improve our Spanish and would prefer to do it in a more informal setting, like at a café, no formal academies for us. We were only familiar with the basics, but we found a teacher who fits what we had in mind: learning in a relaxed environment. We’re really excited...
  3. Russell

    Economy What will the cost of living increases be for August 2024 (Utilities, transportation, rent, etc) ?

    Yes, you’re right! If the subsidies are removed and transportation companies don’t cover the costs, the minimum bus fare could rise to between $1,350 and $1,400. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/06/a-cuanto-podria-llegar-el-precio-del-boleto-de-colectivo-si-caba-quita-los-subsidios/
  4. Russell

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    More evidence continues to emerge about the insurance scandal during Alberto's administration. It's unclear who is more involved in this corrupt situation: the secretary, her husband, or Alberto himself...
  5. Russell

    Buenos Aires Gay Community warns of dangers under Milei

    There’s no more disappointing statement than this. The Uruguayan senator has shown a backward mindset when it comes to homosexuality. It seems that while some people progress, others lag behind.
  6. Russell

    Culture Shocks from Living in Argentina as an Expat?

    I love how Argentinians communicate with gestures! It’s almost like a parallel language. 😄
  7. Russell

    Food & Drink The best Malbec in the world is Argentine

    The best Malbec in the world is Argentine, and believe it or not, you can get it for less than ARS 7,000. At the Sommeliers Choice Awards recently held in Chicago, this Argentine wine took the top spot as the best Malbec in the world: The Trapiche Tesoro Malbec 2022, beat out a bunch of...
  8. Russell

    Dating in Buenos Aires as a foreigner

    Based on my experience, I've found that women in Argentina are more relaxed and less structured compared to most women in the USA. Back home, when using dating apps, the first question often is, "Are you looking for something serious?" It's hard to know when you haven't even had a chance to get...
  9. Russell

    Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

    A group of Argentinians was surveyed about the possibility of working remotely, and 72% of respondents said they would like to be digital nomads. They emphasize that this trend allows workers to travel more frequently and live in different places around the world without compromising their job...
  10. Russell

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    And the dollar continues to plummet.
  11. Russell

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    Kirchner supporters celebrating Messi's injury because they view him as aligned with Milei is really unpleasant.
  12. Russell

    Have You Heard About These Scams? Fake U.S. Military Impersonators

    The current scam trend involves individuals impersonating U.S. military personnel, both men and women. In one case, an Argentine fell in love with a supposed U.S. female soldier and transferred $1 million for her to travel to Chubut, but it was all a scam. This type of fraud is becoming so...
  13. Russell

    Politics Having single-digit inflation is a good start

    Indeed, it was less than 5%, exactly 4.46%. Although inflation was higher than in May, it decreased on an annual level. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/07/12/la-inflacion-fue-del-46-en-junio-y-acumulo-2715-en-el-ultimo-ano-segun-el-indec/
  14. Russell

    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    As you mentioned, the direction this case is taking is surprising. In the files, a tweet from Natacha Jaitt was found in which she anticipated that a "Carlos Pérez" was involved in a child trafficking network. Yesterday, it was confirmed that child pornography material was found on his phone...
  15. Russell

    Economy What is the average salary expected by Argentinians nowadays?

    According to Bumeran, the main job portal in Argentina, the average salary expected by Argentinians increased by 69% in the first five months of the year, reaching $919,089 in June, which is 7.57% higher than in May. While this reflects the expected salary, what is the actual average salary...
  16. Russell

    Economy The 'Chachos' are already circulating in La Rioja - does issuing a new currency serve any purpose?

    Does this tactic really work to revive the economy and consumption? I'm not so sure about that; it was already tried during the 2001 crisis in Argentina, and it didn't turn out well. It worked as a local exchange alternative in some communities but didn't solve the national economic problems...
  17. Russell

    Newcomer Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly just because you're a foreigner or tourist in Buenos Aires?

    I find what's happening in Barcelona with the tourists really violent. They have no idea how important tourism is for a country's economy. Their demands to regulate certain issues should be directed at the government, not at the tourists. I've been living here for years and have never had a...
  18. Russell

    Politics Hope for Change: Why Did Milei Win the Support of Low-Income Voters?

    Even those with limited resources or facing financial hardships voted for Milei, hoping for significant change in the country. This street vendor says, "I asked God for help, and He sent me Milei."
  19. Russell

    Why do most buildings use this type of security system?

    Oh thank you for sharing your experience, I have seen it in several buildings and I was curious to know how that kind of security worked.
  20. Russell

    Why do most buildings use this type of security system?

    Does anyone have this type of security in their building? Can you share your experience?