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  1. Slim Shady

    Extremely noisy neighbors! Can anything be done about excessive loud music next to my Airbnb?

    I am having the same issue except it's from a renovation. Can I also call the police? I asked my doorman and he said there isn't anything that can be done.
  2. Slim Shady

    Loud construction noise all day non-stop from renovation above. Can anything be done?

    I just read a post about loud music from a neighbor. I don't have music but the neighbor above me is doing a renovation of his apartment and there is extremely loud construction noise all day. I can't imagine how long this will take but there is jackhammering going on for the past 2 weeks. I...
  3. Slim Shady

    Politics Why is President Milei teaming up with Peronistas in his administration?

    What could be the reason he would do something like this? Sounds like someone is cashing in an I owe you chip or something?
  4. Slim Shady

    Newcomer Compulsory blood test to get married!?

    Why the hostility dude? These are good to have as marriage is tough enough to start out without issues. Can't hurt to know if you have a disease before getting married. You sound so angry at life. Chill out.
  5. Slim Shady

    Newcomer Compulsory blood test to get married!?

    Good thing that it is mandatory!! The local girls will sleep around on you and my ex-girlfriend gave me an STD so good to get tested before you get married. The locals are not faithful so beware.
  6. Slim Shady

    Are Foreign expats in Buenos Aires the ones that couldn't hack it in their own countries?

    I have been living here for the past few years. I don't think expats here are thought of one way or another. In some countries in South America, people might think an expat from the USA or Europe is something special. But here it isn't an advantage or disadvantage. Tons of foreigners here...
  7. Slim Shady

    Newcomer Is Romance dead in Buenos Aires?

    Probably. My Porteña girlfriend was cheating on me. Once I finally agreed to be mutual with her and have unprotected sex all was good a few months but then I recently came up + for some STD's and she admitted she was cheating on me with unprotected sex with her ex who gave her an STD. I hate...
  8. Slim Shady

    Medical Clinic recommendation to get STD (sexually transmitted disease) and STI (sexually transmitted infection) blood testing?

    I just wanted to post back and say thank you. I did go to Helios to get tested. The good news was they could test me. The bad news is my test came up + for an STD so I broke up with my girlfriend recently. The initial test came up negative for both of us but recently I took another and it...
  9. Slim Shady

    Medical Clinic recommendation to get STD (sexually transmitted disease) and STI (sexually transmitted infection) blood testing?

    Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this amazing forum! I saw it on a Twitter post for Buenos Aires. Here is my situation. I'm an American expat living in Buenos Aires for the past 5 months. I met an amazing Porteña about 3 months ago. We have been dating exclusively and decided to not see...