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I have been in Argentina since 2004 and have noticed huge social changes in just 14 years . When I came I noticed it was a very romantic city with passionate couples kissing openly on the streets and park benches . This was a very common sight . Now in 2018 there seems to be very little romance in Buenos Aires and the roles of men and woman seem to have changed dramatically In 2004 men were quite masculine with long hair , facial hair, and a more aloof onda . Woman were more feminine with more self respect for their bodies and very well dressed compared to 2018 ( there was certainly more anorexia as well back then) Nowadays the youth seem to be very overweight and boys and girls seem to look similar . Something drastic has happened to the food supply as men and womans body shape has been transformed for the worse. In Starbucks when I look at the students inside they seem very unhealthy and I hardly see one young couple making out . It seems that the pick up culture of quick sex is huge here judging by the lack of couples on the street who are in love with each other .

I love to hear others expats opinions on this interesting subject
I agree with this. It's true. I've been in Argentina for 16+ years. I do think that there used to be more "romance" with people in parks having picnics and kissing, holding hands walking down the street. You still people drinking mate in the parks but it's a lot of friends vs. couples. When I moved there people dressed better. People definitely were romantic.

There weren't nearly as many dining options and it used to pretty much be Italian, Steak, Pizza, Milenesas/empanadas/etc. Now there is a plethora of fast food type places all over. People are more relaxed. More casual. The youth don't dress up as much. Even 30's, 40's people are much more casual. One thing I've always noticed is people there don't get married young. The girls there mostly don't want to get married early. And the guys are worse! Guys there just don't like getting married. Almost ALL my friends aren't married and have no interest in getting married. Many female friends I know and employees of mine even in their late 30's or early 40's aren't married and although some of them want to get married it seems they can't find a guy that wants to marry them.

Many guys there value hanging out with their male friends more than hanging out with their girlfriends. It's a phenomenon I haven't seen anywhere else in the world and I travel quite frequently and own properties in several countries. Guys have the guy code and I've personally seen several male friends that when their novias give them the "sh*t or get off the pot" (i.e. put a ring on my finger or I'm leaving).... the guy will tell them to pack their bags! I know several guys that have dated their girlfriends for 9 years and still don't want to get married.

I've literally been in situations where I'll be out with my male friends drinking when some girl will call to hook up and they will put her off to just drink with their friends that they see all the time. It always drives me mad and I'm always like, "what the hell is wrong with you!". Such are guys in Argentina these days.

And females there are very independent and many don't get married until later if at all. Maybe this trend is occurring more worldwide but I've just noticed it more in Argentina.

All these fast food places and fatty foods HAS caused people to be more overweight. I noticed that too Perry.

Also, I just think with the sh*tty economy people really aren't all lovey dovey and kissing. People are seriously stressed. I have a lot of friends that are young executives (CFO's, COO's, corporate in-house lawyers, corporate in-house accountants) and they were making great salaries. They were traveling around the world. But now their once great salaries seem really horribly low and they can't afford to travel. My friends with kids are all stressed because their private school tuition keeps skyrocketing upwards. They are having to lay off teachers and the student teacher ratios are getting worse they say.

People just seem more stressed. The younger I think have lost the sense of romance and it's cheaper and easier to just WhatsApp an escort vs. taking a girl out to dinner. For female friends that I know they prefer a "friends with benefits" quickie situation vs. a long term relationship. I think all of this contributes to what you are seeing.

Definitely I think the horrible economy doesn't help but I think that the trend has just changed in Argentina from the 'good ole days'. It's quite sad.
The biggest myth is that Argentina is a macho society. Women have tremendous power at the home and business worlds and the mother is particularly revered here. Argentina was also the first country to have a female president and subsequent female presidents. The USA and Australia are more masculine societies where hypermasculinity is quite common (very rare in Argentina).

I believe that the rise of radical movements in Argentina have effectively destroyed bonding human relationships. The me too movement and ni una menos made out all men to be sexual predators when at most 5 to 10 percent of men are likely sexual predators.the same for woman.

Nowadays the young are terribly sloppy and have no style nor class. I do not understand the ripped jeans full of holes look prevalent here nor the men who wear tights. This is certainly not common anywhere else but Buenos Aires in Latin America..

The food is very unhealthy here as well unless you eat at the most expensive restaurants. People are very addicted to sugar and have no shame at all to feed their kids soft drinks setting them up for a sugar addiction for life. I would hazard to guess that most peoples diets is 80 percent simple carbs. You can eat very well in Argentina at home sourcing fresh organic produce. A steak and steamed vegetables served with a simple sauce is heavenly and also very healthy.

Back to the subject Buenos Aires was once a very romantic city I believe I saw the last vestiges of this. Im sure in the 1960s it was even more so.
All true. Fewer displays of affection in public. Lots of overweight people. Slovenly appearance. It's all changed. Have dating apps played a role? Easy pickups, quick sex and no commitments? I suspect STD rates have also increased.
Girls in their 20's are very career focussed. They dont want to romance or get married or live-in. They prefer to concentrate on "titulos". Many of them start a 2nd "titulo" after getting the first one. Sometimes, they are very confused about career choice. They take up studying one, after 2/3 years realize they dont want it and start a 2nd one.

The 20's are very lazy in the physical sense. Whether is maintaining good diet or working hard. Though they do try to go to gym if they can afford it. But they love their 'postre' and junk food!

Many of them who have ancestors from Spain or Italy are trying very hard to get the EU nationality and escape the country, rather than look for romantic relationships here and settle down here. Some of them with relatives in US are trying to get the green card.

The males usually dont want to marry. A goodlooking, well earning, hetrosexual male has lot of options here. He prefers to enjoy with variety than settle down with one.

Just my 2 cents basis living here for about 10 yrs.
I have been in Argentina since 2004 and have noticed huge social changes in just 14 years . When I came I noticed it was a very romantic city with passionate couples kissing openly on the streets and park benches . This was a very common sight . Now in 2018 there seems to be very little romance in Buenos Aires and the roles of men and woman seem to have changed dramatically In 2004 men were quite masculine with long hair , facial hair, and a more aloof onda . Woman were more feminine with more self respect for their bodies and very well dressed compared to 2018 ( there was certainly more anorexia as well back then) Nowadays the youth seem to be very overweight and boys and girls seem to look similar . Something drastic has happened to the food supply as men and womans body shape has been transformed for the worse. In Starbucks when I look at the students inside they seem very unhealthy and I hardly see one young couple making out . It seems that the pick up culture of quick sex is huge here judging by the lack of couples on the street who are in love with each other .

I love to hear others expats opinions on this interesting subject
I was thinking that this physical transformation perhaps had something to do with immigration from other Latin American countries and their cultures but I'm not sure. I remember Argentinean women many years ago used to look almost anorexic.
I was thinking that this physical transformation perhaps had something to do with immigration from other Latin American countries and their cultures but I'm not sure. I remember Argentinean women many years ago used to look almost anorexic.
Anorexia was commonly seen in the streets back then and obesity was rarely seen. Nowadays I have not seen a anorexic person in three years and most people are overweight and many obese. Argentina has the fattest people of Latin America nowadays
I was thinking that this physical transformation perhaps had something to do with immigration from other Latin American countries and their cultures but I'm not sure. I remember Argentinean women many years ago used to look almost anorexic.
I was thinking that this physical transformation perhaps had something to do with immigration from other Latin American countries and their cultures but I'm not sure. I remember Argentinean women many years ago used to look almost anorexic.[/QUOTE]

Nah, I don't think it has anything to do with the immigration from other countries. BA has many Venezuelans and Colombians these days but the ones I've met are more groomed, and the women take good care of themselves. Hair is always done, make up on, etc. These days most of the female Porteñas I know rarely wear make up, their hair isn't that well groomed (half the time it looks like they rolled out of bed).

The overweight issue just comes down to people eating out more at the fast food places. Before in the early years after I moved there it was tough to get a good burger. I remember having to go wait in line at Kansas. Now they have these burger places with greasy fries all over the place.
Honestly I think with the intense amount of stress and worries most argentines have about what’s going on with the economy, it puts a damper on romance and just general buena ‘onda’
Honestly I think with the intense amount of stress and worries most argentines have about what’s going on with the economy, it puts a damper on romance and just general buena ‘onda’
Romance is not a monetary thing as young people never had much money ever. Its a cultural phenonomen that has changed dramatically with the rise of the me too movement ni una menos etc etc. The youth of Argentina are not forming relationships I see this clearly with my own eyes. Yes they hook up for one night stands but passion and romance seems completely absent now in Buenos Aires.
Romance is not a monetary thing as young people never had much money ever. Its a cultural phenonomen that has changed dramatically with the rise of the me too movement ni una menos etc etc. The youth of Argentina are not forming relationships I see this clearly with my own eyes. Yes they hook up for one night stands but passion and romance seems completely absent now in Buenos Aires.
Actually I'd slightly disagree with you. While I agree romance is not a monetary thing, I would disagree that the economy doesn't have anything to do with it. I do agree that there is a shift in dynamics and probably will be with younger and younger generations. But as I pointed out in my post, I think in times of recession and severe recession there is more stress. There is more to worry about.

I wouldn't go so far as you to say romance is dead (or completely absent) in Buenos Aires. It still has people that are romantic and I still see it but just not to the level as 15 years ago. Times change and I guess so do younger generations but I see it even with older people as well. But I'd argue it has a lot to due with tough or unstable times for them.
All true. Fewer displays of affection in public. Lots of overweight people. Slovenly appearance. It's all changed. Have dating apps played a role? Easy pickups, quick sex and no commitments? I suspect STD rates have also increased.
Probably. My Porteña girlfriend was cheating on me. Once I finally agreed to be mutual with her and have unprotected sex all was good a few months but then I recently came up + for some STD's and she admitted she was cheating on me with unprotected sex with her ex who gave her an STD. I hate women.