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  1. bairon

    Buenos Aires is the best city for dating

    It's quite amusing, being a European myself, as I've had numerous conversations with Argentinians insisting on their European connection. It became a recurring theme in our interactions, and I found myself nodding along as they continued to emphasize it every time we met, happened at least six...
  2. bairon

    Newcomer What aspects of Buenos Aires are unexpected to you?

    Three aspects of Buenos Aires consistently leave me astonished: Firstly, the relatively low frequency of bus accidents never ceases to amaze me. The way these buses zoom through traffic, especially in the designated bus lanes, where the room for error seems close to nonexistent, is truly...
  3. bairon

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    I've noticed a significant change. The precooked ribs package, which was priced at 4100 last week, has now jumped to 5500. As for the KANSAS menu, although I don't have the exact old prices, it seems the ribs, which were previously around 11000 to 12000, are now at 16000, and other items on the...
  4. bairon

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    Only one question... what is the reason?
  5. bairon

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    ...and the bovine will leap across the lunar surface.
  6. bairon

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    Concerning this message, retailers may likely increase lettuce prices—reasons for which are not explicitly mentioned. Additionally, the Blue market is initially quoted at 1100/1150.
  7. bairon

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    I wish I had more insight. The shift in the exchange rate seems disconnected from the everyday price of items like lettuce at the local market. If someone abroad needs pesos to buy the lettuce, they'll pay more for pesos, but the local shop owner isn't concerned about conversion rates. For an...
  8. bairon

    Newcomer Something interesting this weekend?

    Thanks for the recommendations! I'm tempted to do both haha, I think I'll go to Jardin Japones on Saturday and Hipodromo de Palermo on Sunday. Thanks again!
  9. bairon

    Newcomer Something interesting this weekend?

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for some exciting suggestions to make the most of this weekend. I would love a plan that combines the beauty of the outdoors with a memorable dining experience. Can you recommend any outdoor activities that include dining? Preferably, I am interested in places or...