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  1. E

    Why do most buildings use this type of security system?

    You can see that the people are quite good and the cameras are high quality. This guy called 911 to report this guy was trying to rob a building. He as far away but could still see it.
  2. E

    Newcomer Stolen phone on Subte

    I lived in Buenos Aires a while and a bunch of my local friends got robbed on the Subway but most were not paying attention. I'm not sure if the thieves are still doing this today. They used to work in teams. One time I went and saw it playing out. One girl drank something from a cup. Then...
  3. E

    Food & Drink Dean & Dennys

    I like this place. There are a few of them.
  4. E

    Economy New York Times - Paul Krugman: Why dollarization is a fantasy

    Thanks for the boots on the ground post. Probably some expats or locals posting might have lived there a while and buy things every day. Many newbies don't cook too much so they don't buy things too much at the grocery store daily. When I lived there, I wouldn't go to the store weekly like in...
  5. E

    Newcomer Visit to the Recoleta Cemetery

    They charge to enter now?? It used to be free to go in for many years when I lived there. I'm thinking of going back in January. Wow, what a rip off that they charge now.
  6. E

    Newcomer Life in Buenos Aires after 1 month of living here as an expat

    Wow I lived in Buenos Aires many years ago and it was expensive then it got cheap. Prices seem to yo yo over the years. $1,700 used to be able to get a big 375 meters apartment. It sounds like those days are gone.
  7. E

    Newcomer Gas man in Buenos aires

    If I can find it, I will send you the contact of the old guy who works in my building. He checks for leaks with a lighter. I believe that technique is call The Widow Maker.