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  1. C

    Real Estate Sales Why aren't there more expats in Uruguay?

    Could you argue that culturally the two are very similar countries (I see memes comparing Uruguay to Shelbyville in the Simpsons) and henceforth the only material differences for expats are size of country, cost of living, ease of immigration procedures and presumably Argentina wins on most of...
  2. C

    Economy Do I need to think about inflation even if I live with USD from overseas rental income

    Need I worry about Argentina becomeing Venezuela?I really want to visit BA,Mendoza,Cordoba and try to go usuaia...
  3. C

    Politics Interesting videos K

    very interesting indeed. thanks for sharing.
  4. C

    Newcomer New Zealander looking for work .

    Love will conquer all obstacles. Come to Argentina and live for a short while, an experience that money can not buy, then decide from there. It's hard to use the income in Argentina to support the expense in NZ, should be the other way around. Find an online job and work from home.
  5. C

    Newcomer New Zealander looking for work .

    I can assure you that what you are experiencing in NZ is nothing compared to what is going on here. I suggest you catch up with the latest news.
  6. C

    Newcomer Advice for moving to Buenos Aires

    I have lived 15 years in Buenos Aires. I'd say for the last 5 years the Inmobiliarias require a search certified by a Notary Public to determine the quality of a Garantia If used many times (the liens are duly registered in the Properties Records) the Lessor can reject it , this search had a...
  7. C

    Newcomer Advice for moving to Buenos Aires

    a notary must study the escritura and reject it if used many times....
  8. C

    Newcomer Advice for moving to Buenos Aires

    What you say is TRUE for an unfurnished apt. with GARANTIA, on a 2 year contract payable in pesos.... For a furnished place on a Temporary rental basis $600 will get you a room in a shared appt. maybe shared Bathroom
  9. C

    Newcomer Venezuelans!

    Danish Prime Minister to Americans: We are not Socialists. "I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said...
  10. C

    Legal Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    I resemble that remark. ;) I'm a porteño but there's no porteño in Carli's current misfortune.
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    Legal Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    earlyretirement, you do not have the full story. Please do not make assumptions and blame Porteños. Who told you one was involved?
  12. C

    Legal Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    There's no such court for these things. CCTV will only show one guy picking an enveloppe and signing for it. Guard will not eat a sh*t sandwich for you. It's none of his business.
  13. C

    Legal Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    No paper was THEN, when you had trust and an agreement. Now these are different conditions and there's no reason while the same rules should apply. You did not agreed or consent to this person stealing from you. This is NOW, when the current rules (remember the Golden Rule) dictate that a signed...
  14. C

    Legal Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    They really can't. It's not that they do not want. Not allowed to. It's a long depressing story.
  15. C

    Legal Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    You do not want the police at your place under any circumstance. Police does not work for you, they follow orders of an abstract they can not even grasp themselves. In the meantime you don't want unknown poorly remunerated, armed and discontented employees oogling your goodies and knowing when...
  16. C

    Newcomer Reasonably priced hotels in city?

    Have them have a look at www.expedia.com for their travel dates to see the best rates on many of the hotels in the city. For their price range then: IQ CAllao,Concord Callao,Etoile,BelAir,Ayres de Recoleta/Libertad/Recoleta Plaza,Urban Suites,Intersur Recoleta. These are all located in Recoleta...
  17. C

    Newcomer Where can I avail self-defense training in BA

    Don't let these stories get to you!!! The bad stories here only represent a small percentage of what actually goes on! Anyway if you are going to learn a self defense I recommend Krav Maga. It is straight to the point, really effective and a great workout. I have seen a few places doing it here...