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  1. P

    Newcomer Store Closings: Ralph Lauren, Cartier, Escada, & Zenga

    There was a rumor that Falabella and Easy would also be closing due to import issues. Any truth to that?
  2. P

    Newcomer Relocation to SaoPaulo w/kids

    Hello everyone, It appears that we might be moving to Sao Paulo towards the end of the year. I arrived here in January, and settling in was quite challenging - finding schools for the kids, a suitable place to live, and so on. If any of you have lived in Sao Paulo, could you share your thoughts...
  3. P

    Economy Blue Dollar: Peso has devalued 22% over the last 30 days

    I remember that I sold Pesos in Europe in a bank for a good rate in January. Maybe they wouldn't change if you come with a 60'000 Pesos
  4. P

    Economy Blue Dollar: Peso has devalued 22% over the last 30 days

    Im wondering then why people dont travel to other countries to sell the peso for an official rate and sell sell the dollars for the blue rate? If you do this with 10'000 USD that gives you a 1'000 USD each trip. What Im not sure is how easy it is to sell the peso abroad. or is there a limit for...
  5. P

    Economy Blue Dollar: Peso has devalued 22% over the last 30 days

    Does anybody know what the limit of dollars is to travel to Argentina by plane? Still 10'000 US or was that restricted as well?