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  1. illegal alien

    Is it true that 2 visa overstays = auto 5 year ban?

    A close friend of mine that has been overstaying here for 15 years just left to go back home to the USA for the first time since before Covid lock down. He was nervous leaving but no problem at all paying the overstay fee and he just arrived back this weekend. Zero problems. I asked him how...
  2. illegal alien

    How much are you allowed to bring into Argentina (Goods allowance) for Tourist and Resident?

    Some of the prices on things are crazy in Argentina. @Oatmeal not sure if you have tried Grabr but you should try it. I have purchased several things from Amazon that way and people brought them to BA. Much cheaper than buying stuff here. https://grabr.io/en/
  3. illegal alien

    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    Crazy how easy it is. https://tn.com.ar/sociedad/2024/06/25/un-equipo-de-tn-logro-cruzar-la-triple-frontera-sin-controles-de-migracion/
  4. illegal alien

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    This must happen often because my friend also got their flight delayed for days! The problem there when it gets backed up is everything gets backed up. No joke my friend got stuck there 3 extra days after a snowstorm. I thought Bariloche was overrated. I don't ski and went during the winter...
  5. illegal alien

    Homicide, robbery and petty theft on the rise in Greater Buenos Aires

    I am in Paris right now and I feel like this Argentine guy. Lots of Africans have moved here. Last trip was 4 years ago. Wow things have changed!
  6. illegal alien

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    You gotta give it up to Milei. He is unapologetic and speaks how bad socialism is. I admire his tell it like it is attitude. One thing is for sure, if he is successful in Argentina you should see more and more countries around the world going to the right...
  7. illegal alien

    These Are The 5 Most Popular Digital Nomad Destinations Right Now According To Travelers - Travel of Path

    To be fair though why pay for something if it's really not necessary? Argentina doesn't care if we overstay or do border runs. The fact that they allow you to pay a simple and low fine for overstaying makes it a no brainer.
  8. illegal alien

    Western Union

    Same. My friend gets payments for work via Western Union and they flagged payments a few times now. Apparently, they are checking locals with DNI's that keep getting money each month. It sounds like they will start to see if the funds are declared with AFIP.
  9. illegal alien

    Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

    I really hope they don't change anything. I love Argentina for the ability to just be a perma-tourist! Brazil is very difficult and strict with total # of days you can stay in each time. I hope Argentina doesn't go the same route.
  10. illegal alien

    Newcomer Is San Telmo/Monserrat a safe area?

    I also was walking home drunk in that area. I know I was stupid. Some kid that was much younger than me tried to rob me and asked me for my wallet but he had no gun or knife and actually thought I would give him my wallet. I told him to get lost and he ran off. I don't like this area once...
  11. illegal alien

    Is it true that 2 visa overstays = auto 5 year ban?

    @MickMolloy what factors will determine what action you will take? I am debating whether to continue with border runs which I have not had an issue doing. I am wondering if I am hurting my chances to someday live in Argentina legally? I hear about so many Chinese that have been living here...
  12. illegal alien

    Oh boy "Digital Nomads" are starting to post on what a great deal Buenos Aires is. Here they all come.

    If you avoid touristy restaurants you can avoid crazy prices but it all adds up. It is cheaper than the USA for sure but for locals making pesos food here is very expensive relative to wages.
  13. illegal alien

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Blue dollar hit an all time record today of 1,250 to $1 US. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/dolar/dolar-hoy-dolar-blue-hoy-a-cuanto-cotiza-este-martes-23-de-enero-nid23012024/
  14. illegal alien

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    Real time update of the Omnibus situation. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/debate-de-la-ley-omnibus-de-javier-milei-en-vivo-nid23012024/
  15. illegal alien

    Is anyone else cutting back on vacation with the inflation? Most of my friends are.

    I just went to Iguazu instead of going back to USA. Flights were too expensive. Many of the locals I met are staying in Argentina instead of traveling outside of the country.
  16. illegal alien

    Politics The Government is evaluating discounting the day for state employees who join the general strike promoted by the CGT - Infobae

    Yep we will see what happens tomorrow. I was supposed to fly back from Iguazu tomorrow but staying an extra day instead.
  17. illegal alien

    Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

    Ha! Funny you mentioned the crazy cost of toilet paper. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. More expensive to wipe your ass than eat.
  18. illegal alien

    Crypto Worldcoin Iris Scan Scam in Argentina. Is anyone doing it?

    I still don't get what the big deal is over crypto. All the crypto people make it sound like the world is going to end and all hell is going to break loose. Dollars aren't going away any time soon. I don't feel the need to go into crypto but all the power to those that do.
  19. illegal alien

    Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

    Ick. No mas guns. Guns don't help anyone. If more guns came to Argentina more violence, more crime, more accidents and more shootings.