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Politics The Government is evaluating discounting the day for state employees who join the general strike promoted by the CGT - Infobae


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The Government is evaluating discounting the day for state employees who join the general strike promoted by the CGT - Infobae


January 15, 2024

Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni assured that it is a specific possibility that is under analysis. He also confirmed that President Javier Milei will meet in Davos with Kristalina Georgieva, head of the IMF.

Manuel adorni - Official Photograph, Presidency of the Nation

The measure of strength that drives theGeneral Confederation of Labor (CGT)for the next 24 January has the national government on alert. Nine days after the protest that has Pablo Moyano as one of its main promoters, the administration headed by Javier Milei warned that evaluates deducting the day from state employees who join the strike.

“Indeed, it is something that we are analyzing as a certain possibility”, confirmed the presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni during the press conference he gave at Casa Rosada, without giving further details on the subject.

Last Wednesday, the plenary session of regional delegations of the CGT gave a “strong and unanimous endorsement” of the strategy and action of the Cegetista leadership in rejection of DNU 70 that contains the labor reform, which represented support for the 12-hour strike with mobilization for next January 24, which, as resolved, will be replicated in each of the provinces with similar protests .
With the presence of 250 leaders who belong to more than 70 regional delegations from all over the country, during the meeting held at the Cegetista headquarters of Azopardo 802, “concern and rejection of those aspects of the call” were also expressed. Omnibus Law that go against the sovereignty of the country, labor rights, the right of free expression and protest, the Argentine union model and health and forecasts.”

The CGT took another step towards the first general strike against Javier Milei.

In addition, the “repudiation of the criminalization of social protest as a repressive method of an economic adjustment plan of the current government” was expressed. and a warning was issued to those who negotiate the DNU and the laws with the Casa Rosada from the governorships and legislative benches: “Dialogue and consensus is a tool of politics, but any of those instances it cannot be done behind the backs of the working people. And even more so those representatives who come from the national and popular field.”

In radio statements given prior to the meeting, the co-head of the CGT Pablo Moyano (Camioneros) assured that the CGT unity is ratified “despite some differences” and emphasized that “the objective is one: turn around the DNU, turn around the Omnibus Law and mobilize on the 24th and be present in every conflict that is going to be generated.”

Pablo Moyano: "The objective of the CGT is to overturn the DNU and the omnibus law"
In repudiation of this demonstration, this Sunday the committee of SMEs, Entrepreneurs and Producers (PEP), made up of a large group of businessmen and producers - who hours before had announced their support for President Javier Milei's DNU - called for a cacerolazo against the general strike promoted by the CGT. a>

Rodolfo Llanos, president of the Union of Entrepreneurs of the Argentine Republic and one of the group's precursors, said in statements to radio Mitre , I predict about 4,000 adhesions of SMEs, entrepreneurs and businessmen from all over the country, in favor of the labor reform that promotes the government's DNU 70.

The recently created organization supported the mega DNU “for the reconstruction of the Argentine economy” considering that the reforms promoted by the national government in the labor field will promote the creation of companies, the exports of Argentine products, the attraction of investments and “the exponential multiplication of sources of work.”

Furthermore, Llanos considered that “it is time to get the country going, I don't know if for us but because our country has half of its population below poverty and 60 percent of the people who have a registered salary earn below the poverty line, then we are not interested in representing absolutely anyone but simply being a group of people who want the country to stand up and start producing.”

Self-convened Against the Cgt
In that sense, he said that the PEP is organizing “the first cacerolazo in the history of the Argentine Republic against the CGT”. And in this regard, he explained: “It is a big blow for all the Argentine people to make the CGT understand that the mafia's business is over, it cannot be that the children of the union members drive around in German cars and the children of the workers walk around in the towns.”

“This is over in Argentina. So if they don't understand it, because until now their own workers are prisoners and forced to be affiliated, we the Argentine people are going to let them know and I hope they understand it,” warned Llanos.