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  1. R

    Am I the asshole? You be the judge please

    Take a chill pill man. Relax. You are too angry at the world man. Dude you have too much time on your hands! I ain't no local. I already said this happened to me and I explained I do NOT speak Spanish. Moderator already talked to me. Chill out dude.
  2. R

    Am I the asshole? You be the judge please

    hello @MickMolloy sorry. I had a very similar event than you. I am sorry. I just got warned from a Moderator not to copy posts from the other forum. I will delete if you want but I saw your post that you don't mind. I did see the Am I an asshole and I read your post and got inspiration from...
  3. R

    Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

    I don't think you can get the locals to stop eating so much beef. Everywhere I go I see people eating beef. Never seen anything like it in the world.
  4. R

    Am I the asshole? You be the judge please

    I tried to be firm and he wouldn't listen. He kept asking over and over. He asked others in line and they said no. They were locals. They were talking to him in Spanish. I could't speak Spanish but no means no. I don't know what he was saying. He kept waving some card in my face. I...
  5. R

    Am I the asshole? You be the judge please

    Wow, surprising some of you are saying I'm the jerk. Argentina is like a backwards parallel universe on some things to me. I go in there every day and they used to be polite and all smiles but right after I yelled at the beggar, they barely talk to me and have this disgusted look on their...
  6. R

    Am I the asshole? You be the judge please

    I read on Reddit a forum called, "Am I the asshole": https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/ It is a forum with real people that post situations and then let other forum members judge and say if they were an asshole or not. I want to get some advice for something that happened last week...
  7. R

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    I never see any new players entering the market with the difficult labor laws and incredible taxes that Argentina has. Just about every single entrepreneur that I have talked to, told me their business failed in Buenos Aires. It is a horrible place to do business.
  8. R

    Newcomer Help! Paperwork for Transporting my Dog to Buenos Aires - APHIS Stamp from USDA

    Yeah I won't get the vaccine. I just bought a fake covid card online so I could travel around. I won't get one.