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Am I the asshole? You be the judge please

Lol I am the original author of this post on the other forum, its my story. I've since been banned from that forum for no reason so thanks to early retirement for creating this place. The 'old' forum really deserves to die they are horrible people

Anyway "Rico Suave" who copied my story here has changed some things to make me look bad, Specifically that "I don't speak spanish and started screaming F bombs." FYI I speak perfect spanish with a Porteño accent, my aggression was merely telling the beggar that he would get no money from me before hell froze over so stop wasting your time and move on to the next mark

Secondly he was incredibly rude and aggressive shoving his disability card in my face almost to the point of hitting me with it. While his only disability appeared to be his grotesque obesity

Theres a lot more but I can't be bothered writing more
First of all @MickMolloy I am sorry that you were banned from the other forum. I have heard many people that were banned from the old forum. I wasn't banned but I left on my own for lack of freedom of speech and also having posts that broke no rules deleted.

I would encourage people not to copy posts from the old forum. I know that many forum members have come over to this new forum. But some have told us that they don't post under the same screen name as they don't want to get banned from that forum. Even though I disagree with the Moderator/Admin of that forum, I believe that both forums can co-exist. Both have great information.

There is no way for me to know which posts are from which members. Some members have told me that they fear the owner of that forum banning them for participating in this one. I believe that is clearly wrong. Some have also told me that they posted things on the other forum that were deleted or edited. We feel this is wrong.

But I would ask people not to copy posts from that forum to this forum. @MickMolloy what is a disability card? I've never seen one in all my years living in Argentina. Do you know what that card allows you to get?

Anyway, welcome to this new forum and we welcome your participation.
what is a disability card? I've never seen one in all my years living in Argentina. Do you know what that card allows you to get?"

He had a white card with writing on it that he was shoving literally into my nose while saying "I'm disabled see????" I just assumed it was some official disability card but maybe its just part of his scam

BTW I noticed in this thread you said you lived in Montevideo... I'm wanting go there for some months, never been before, any tips on the best barrio to rent an airbnb in? Where do you stay?

I honestly think the other forum has just gone mad with power
He had a white card with writing on it that he was shoving literally into my nose while saying "I'm disabled see????" I just assumed it was some official disability card but maybe its just part of his scam

BTW I noticed in this thread you said you lived in Montevideo... I'm wanting go there for some months, never been before, any tips on the best barrio to rent an airbnb in? Where do you stay?

I honestly think the other forum has just gone mad with power
Ah ok thanks for letting me know about that card. I never have seen or heard of that before. Yes, maybe part of the scam. My approach with those things is just say no and then ignore them. Sometimes my heart gets the best of me. The only time that I've had issues in Latin America with trying to steal from me was once in Rio de Janeiro it was very late at night and I was walking back to my apartment. Some kids were begging for money and I gave 2 poor kids some money and then whamo out of no where about 10 kids swarmed like bees. They were all grabbing for my watch and wallet. I learned then sometimes it's just best to ignore and politely say no.

I didn't live in Montevideo. I had a house in Punta del Este, Uruguay. I would go to Montevideo several times. I don't know it super well other than just going for the weekend. My favorite area was to stay in Ciudad Vieja. I love that architecture there. The oldest buildings are there. The swanky part of Montevideo is Pocitos with some high rises along the beach. And I never stayed in Cordon but it's also a central neighborhood.

Here is a good breakdown of the neighborhoods:

I agree about the "mad with power". I'm not sure what is going on. I posted for 13.5 years without issue. I heard many people complaining but didn't witness it until a few months ago. Then I just saw it getting worse and worse. That's why I started this new forum.
I don't even care about Rico Suave copying my post I'm just angry he keeps inserting "I don't speak spanish" into every paragraph. Do you honestly think someone can survive La Boca without speaking spanish?? It's so hard to become fluent in a second language in your 20s give me some credit if your gonna steal my material
give me some credit if your gonna steal my material
i don't remember this Am I The Asshole post from the old forum, but i was only on that old crappy one for a couple months. and now i can't find the original post whatsoever; guess all your stuff got deleted? @MickMolloy

what's worrisome is that:

1. your post was copied, but changed in content, and using the current date
2. the username is Rico Suave - was that your old username? you can get it back, if so. it may have been preserved for you (mine was).

why change the content? who is @Rico Suave and what is the motivation in creating a fictitious story?

all the other cross-posts for educational/historical purposes are back-dated and have the original author's name. first time i'm hearing of this situation, @earlyretirement we got some bad actors brigading this new forum? of course people can go manually on the old forum, copy and paste here, but there should be some moderation on making a tag like [ARCHIVE] or giving attribution to the old username, and writing when it was posted. sounds suspicious if the language part of the story was changed. and not sure the motivation. you're welcome in this uncensored land, mick!
I don't even care about Rico Suave copying my post I'm just angry he keeps inserting "I don't speak spanish" into every paragraph. Do you honestly think someone can survive La Boca without speaking spanish?? It's so hard to become fluent in a second language in your 20s give me some credit if your gonna steal my material
I can't imagine hanging out in La Boca for any long amount of time without speaking Spanish. It can be rough! I saw a guy getting his camera stolen there in broad day light!
i don't remember this Am I The Asshole post from the old forum, but i was only on that old crappy one for a couple months. and now i can't find the original post whatsoever; guess all your stuff got deleted? @MickMolloy

what's worrisome is that:

1. your post was copied, but changed in content, and using the current date
2. the username is Rico Suave - was that your old username? you can get it back, if so. it may have been preserved for you (mine was).

why change the content? who is @Rico Suave and what is the motivation in creating a fictitious story?

all the other cross-posts for educational/historical purposes are back-dated and have the original author's name. first time i'm hearing of this situation, @earlyretirement we got some bad actors brigading this new forum? of course people can go manually on the old forum, copy and paste here, but there should be some moderation on making a tag like [ARCHIVE] or giving attribution to the old username, and writing when it was posted. sounds suspicious if the language part of the story was changed. and not sure the motivation. you're welcome in this uncensored land, mick!
I posted my opinion on this matter. While it's true that I am archiving all my old posts. It's a slow process and my staff is only doing a few posts each day. I have something like 1,500+ posts on that old forum. I know that some of it will be out of date, but I feel it's still valuable as people can post updated information or see how things used to be.

I also mentioned before on other posts but I'm happy to delete any posts of people that prefer not to have their posts on this forum. I have only had 1 single email request to delete a post and his post was not anything of substance but nonetheless, I am happy to delete any post that people feel shouldn't be posted.

I am blocked from the other forum so I don't read it. I know that many members from the other forum, are posting here as some have sent me emails telling me so. Most are afraid of using their same screen name as they fear they will be blocked from accessing the other forum. I think that is so beyond wrong that they need to worry about that.

I can't really control what people post here. I also can't even prove when someone says that they are from the other forum or are a member. But my philosophy is a common sense approach. Another thing to take into consideration is that Igor, the owner of that forum has made a lot of people angry it seems. So people are just posting things to this forum. Maybe people he has kicked off, blocked, banned or shadow-banned. I am very busy as I own several businesses but in cases when we find this is the case, we ask them not to do this.

I'm very proud at the progress that my staff has made with this forum in a short amount of time. I appreciate all of you forum members and I welcome all to my site. As long as people respect one another, I welcome all posters. Thanks to everyone participating on this forum.
I go in there every day and they used to be polite and all smiles but right after I yelled at the beggar, they barely talk to me and have this disgusted look on their face. It got so bad I stopped going in there. Even if it's a different employee that wasn't there that day it's like the owner told them to all be mean to me. I hope they go out of business and they too are starving in the street! I will have a fiesta and laugh in their faces.
so, @Rico Suave what's the story? you're suddenly very quiet.

need a response to @MickMolloy when he said that was his post. if so, why'd you change the details. if not, how do you explain the similarity?

and now you're following-up on the story. i thought your 2 responses seemed strange. are you creating a fictitious result of a scenario you stole from the old forum? this would be some weird-ass Catfish stuff, if so. like serial-killer faking identities and living other lives online, manipulating people, kinda stuff. i'm really interested in the truth of all this. waiting to hear from you.
Lol I am the original author of this post on the other forum, its my story. I've since been banned from that forum for no reason so thanks to early retirement for creating this place. The 'old' forum really deserves to die they are horrible people

Anyway "Rico Suave" who copied my story here has changed some things to make me look bad, Specifically that "I don't speak spanish and started screaming F bombs." FYI I speak perfect spanish with a Porteño accent, my aggression was merely telling the beggar that he would get no money from me before hell froze over so stop wasting your time and move on to the next mark

Secondly he was incredibly rude and aggressive shoving his disability card in my face almost to the point of hitting me with it. While his only disability appeared to be his grotesque obesity

Theres a lot more but I can't be bothered writing more
hello @MickMolloy sorry. I had a very similar event than you. I am sorry. I just got warned from a Moderator not to copy posts from the other forum. I will delete if you want but I saw your post that you don't mind. I did see the Am I an asshole and I read your post and got inspiration from it. Yes i admit that. But I had a similar event. Not in Boca but in San Telmo. I don't speak Spanish so that is true.

Very similar situation as you. I posted as I wanted to feedback and I guess i people think i am a jerk. I just hate people that keep bothering me after I saw no over and over. I said no 4 times. He was drunk and wasn't hurting for food or missing meals. Also i think that sometimes when it is clear i don't speak Spanish they come after me while with expectation I'm a jerk if i say no even if locals say no. Just because I have dollars.

I didn't think I was hurting anyone taking inspiration from your post but I have been warned if I do it again I will get one warning and then banned. I hate the other forum now. Some good posts but volume is dying since this new forum went up.
hello @MickMolloy sorry. I had a very similar event than you. I am sorry. I just got warned from a Moderator not to copy posts from the other forum. I will delete if you want but I saw your post that you don't mind. I did see the Am I an asshole and I read your post and got inspiration from it. Yes i admit that. But I had a similar event. Not in Boca but in San Telmo. I don't speak Spanish so that is true.

Very similar situation as you. I posted as I wanted to feedback and I guess i people think i am a jerk. I just hate people that keep bothering me after I saw no over and over. I said no 4 times. He was drunk and wasn't hurting for food or missing meals. Also i think that sometimes when it is clear i don't speak Spanish they come after me while with expectation I'm a jerk if i say no even if locals say no. Just because I have dollars.

I didn't think I was hurting anyone taking inspiration from your post but I have been warned if I do it again I will get one warning and then banned. I hate the other forum now. Some good posts but volume is dying since this new forum went up.
Nothing wrong with taking inspiration from someone else, but a much better look if you told your story. Some will have trouble taking you seriously now, but you owned up to it, and as long as you contribute in a positive manner going forward people will get over it.
Nothing wrong with taking inspiration from someone else, but a much better look if you told your story. Some will have trouble taking you seriously now, but you owned up to it, and as long as you contribute in a positive manner going forward people will get over it.
Agree completely. My attitude is there is never enough good information out there. I think as expats even living here many years in BA we are always in search of good information. It doesn't matter where. Facebook, Reddit and old forum and now this new forum. I don't agree with all posts but I usually learn from them.
hello @MickMolloy sorry. I had a very similar event than you
can anyone share the link of the post? or an archive of it? because @MickMolloy was saying the post was his, but with things added/modified. is the title the same? was there Harvard Claudine Gay copy+paste used? what are the chances the same story of obese, card-waving drunk, inside a restaurant, with a verbal altercation?

@Rico Suave having a similar experience is fine...why didn't you just start the thread with 'i saw AITA post on the old forum and a similar thing happened to me' exactly? this isn't a witch-hunt, but your intentions are suspect if Mick's writing was plagiarized
can anyone share the link of the post? or an archive of it? because @MickMolloy was saying the post was his, but with things added/modified. is the title the same? was there Harvard Claudine Gay copy+paste used? what are the chances the same story of obese, card-waving drunk, inside a restaurant, with a verbal altercation?

@Rico Suave having a similar experience is fine...why didn't you just start the thread with 'i saw AITA post on the old forum and a similar thing happened to me' exactly? this isn't a witch-hunt, but your intentions are suspect if Mick's writing was plagiarized
Let's get Bill Ackman on this!
@Fall no need, i gotcha. i think i found it. @MickMolloy can you confirm?
Joined Dec 11, 2023
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Dec 20, 2023 - Argentina "the backwards land"
"You live in la Boca. Poor area. You buy sandwiches from a panaderia. You buy sandwiches for friends and colleagues. You are almost certainly their best customer. You spend by Argentina standards a fortune in their shop. One day while waiting in line a 500 pound obese disgusting beggar rolls into the shop, slams a disability card in your face and demands money. You politely refuse. He becomes aggressive. You know if you continue to be polite this will drag on for 20 minutes so you match his aggression, get in his face and tell him hell will freeze over before you give him a single peso so move on to the next mark, which he does. Guess what happens next"
"They didn't have the guts to say anything they just treated me like a lepper from then on so they lose all my business hope they end up starving in the street. I'll be there to celebrate in their faces"

(i didn't realize this post was copied so recently. i was on archive.org looking, lol)

now, time to analyze the content of @Rico Suave.

"I want to get some advice for something that happened last week. Here is my situation: Oh, living the high life in la Boca, (sorry it's all I can afford). I mean, who wouldn't want to be the VIP customer at the local sandwich place, spending a small fortune by Argentina's standards? I'm practically the best customer (or at least in my head) and go there every day and spend a lot of money (at least for me it seems like buying a sandwich every day is a lot of money). But, of course, in this glamorous life, there's always a plot twist waiting for you. Picture this: you're in line, eagerly awaiting your sandwich masterpiece, when suddenly, a 450-pound embodiment of charm and grace waltzes in. A beggar, no less. All dirty, drunk and claiming he has no food and is very hungry and hasn't even in days. (Fat chance with his 450 pound body weight). Naturally, he approaches me, demanding money with the finesse of a Broadway performer. My initial polite refusal only serves as an opening act to the main event of his aggression. Well, I can't let this drama unfold for the next 20 minutes with my polite gestures, can I?
So, in a stunning turn of events, I decide to match his aggression, get right up in his face, and declare that hell will need to invest in a cozy fireplace before you part ways with a single peso. I have to admit I made one heck of a scene and although I don't speak Spanish, I was screaming F' bombs here and there. The beggar, not one to miss a cue, decides to move on to the next unsuspecting victim. Now, can you possibly guess what thrilling escapade awaits in the next episode of 'La Boca Chronicles: The Sandwich Shop Showdown'? Stay tuned for more riveting tales from the glamorous streets of Argentina! I was shocked at what the sandwich shop owner did to me. Guess.
"Wow, surprising some of you are saying I'm the jerk. Argentina is like a backwards parallel universe on some things to me. I go in there every day and they used to be polite and all smiles but right after I yelled at the beggar, they barely talk to me and have this disgusted look on their face. It got so bad I stopped going in there. Even if it's a different employee that wasn't there that day it's like the owner told them to all be mean to me. I hope they go out of business and they too are starving in the street! I will have a fiesta and laugh in their faces."
"I tried to be firm and he wouldn't listen. He kept asking over and over. He asked others in line and they said no. They were locals. They were talking to him in Spanish. I could't speak Spanish but no means no. I don't know what he was saying. He kept waving some card in my face. I don't know what it was. Maybe some disability type card or something. I'm not sure. I can't believe you all are siding with the sandwich shop. You all probably voted for Massa or Peronistas and pissed off for some reason."
"hello @MickMolloy sorry. I had a very similar event than you. I am sorry. I just got warned from a Moderator not to copy posts from the other forum. I will delete if you want but I saw your post that you don't mind. I did see the Am I an asshole and I read your post and got inspiration from it. Yes i admit that. But I had a similar event. Not in Boca but in San Telmo. I don't speak Spanish so that is true. Very similar situation as you. I posted as I wanted to feedback and I guess i people think i am a jerk. I just hate people that keep bothering me after I saw no over and over. I said no 4 times. He was drunk and wasn't hurting for food or missing meals. Also i think that sometimes when it is clear i don't speak Spanish they come after me while with expectation I'm a jerk if i say no even if locals say no. Just because I have dollars. I didn't think I was hurting anyone taking inspiration from your post but I have been warned if I do it again I will get one warning and then banned. I hate the other forum now. Some good posts but volume is dying since this new forum went up."

Mick 1: La Boca, best customer due to daily patronizing.
Rico 1: La Boca, best customer (with a parenthetical comment about it being in his head, claiming buying one sandwich per day is heroic, missing the point of Mick's daily huge expenses for multiple sandwiches).

Mick 2: 500-pound obese disgusting beggar with disability card in face.
Rico 2:450-pound dirty beggar, drunk (why add the drunk?) with disability-type card

Mick 3: worry about 20 minutes, matched aggression, got in face, Hell freezing over, beggar moved on.
Rico 3: 20 minutes, matched aggression, in face, Hell needs a new fireplace, beggar moved on.

Mick 4: leper, hope they lose business, starving in street, will celebrate in their faces, title is Argentina is Backwards Land.
Rico 4: won't talk to him, hope they go out of business, starving in street, will laugh in their faces, "backwards parallel universe"

well @Rico Suave, you just got wrecked. congrats on winning the ClaudineGay award for the worst type of plagiarism.
too bad you won't get 900k a year like she will, since she's a DEI hire. you later changed your story to say already mentioned it was in San Telmo. why say La Boca? why add no Spanish? why add F-bombs? your username Rick versus Rico, was it copied, just for this plagiarized (fictional) account?

and no, you didn't have a "similar experience" - you're full of sh*t. typical liar. i get the feeling you're one of the dumbasses like @Quilombo over there that made this fake profile on this new forum, and you're trying to cause some sort of social contagion. you probably speak Spanish, since you're probably a local. no, you're not sorry; there is 0% chance you had this experience. you've lied since the beginning, then lied about it actually being in San Telmo, and now you're lying about being targeted for having Dollars/etc. - you are the worst type of person, taking time that you could be productive in the world, and ruining good forums like this with your unethical, idiotic, and false nonsense that does nothing but cause drama and negativity.

what really bothers me about this copied post (and dude, don't just Control+C and V, you need to write it from scratch or it's too easy to catch in its order and wording! moron) - is that it takes a reasonable post about having a bad experience as a frequent customer, being upset at the cowardice of employees, and then not going back, and commenting about it on an Expat forum...and dumbass RicoSuave turns it into an arrogant-Expat-makes-an-unreasonable-scene and then creates a fake profile, continues the story as it has just happened to them, and foments some type of negative stereotype about Expats.

i think the evidence is overwhelming, and RicoSuave's profile, thread, and further replies are intentionally fictitious, completely plagiarized, with the ill-intent of creating some kind of dissonance and causing division/argument here. i vote: ban, and log the IP address @earlyretirement @God


did i miss anything about how there is 0% chance this was anything other than intentionally causing harm to the Expat community and this forum? does this piss-off any other peaceful and contributing Expats? @Canada Goose @Betsy Ross
Grok (AI) gave this analysis: "It appears that there is a significant amount of plagiarism. Approximately 40% of the text seems to be directly copied or paraphrased"

40% plagiarism

man i would love to be able to read minds and see which one of the Peronist crybabies from here or the old forum is using this fake identity of @Rico Suave. what a horrible person.

(can't edit my previous post now, but i meant to write the similarity between Mick, Miguel, Rick, and Rico...not sure if that was intentional)
Yeah that was my post. Honestly if they just copy and pasted my exact post here I wouldn't mind its the changed details to make it seem like another arrogant scumbag tourist that is the problem. Could possibly have been done by a bitter Argentine who is mad about "rich" foreigners of which ive met a few lately as the economy goes through shock
Could possibly have been done by a bitter Argentine
almost certainly. thanks for confirming. i'm seeing a whole lot of avoidance by @Rico Suave right now. i suspect the culprit won't be back, and will just keep making more fake profiles. how much of a loser do you have to be to be a local in BsAs, so obsessed with the singular identity of being a Peronist/communist, that you brigade Expat forums? and then make multiple fake user profiles to attempt to spread some sort of false reality? what a psychopath

@Quilombo or @Caribbean Cool or @Che Vos or @Avocado - anyone care to speculate which local it was? and what the purpose of making this strange, fabricated thread was?
@Rico Suave = @StatusNomadicus ? Maybe the same person and he wanted to see what people would say.

I notice that @StatusNomadicus always drops the F word on these forums. I have seen it in many of his posts. I thought it was very strange as I met a lot of expats and have never read so much F words on a forum. Very strange and rude. My guess is it's the same person and he wants to see what people will say about it.

It is very clear that both people are the same. Very aggressive to people asking for money. He even admit to match the aggressive behavior. I have a feeling things won't end up well for either of these ugly foreigners.
lol just saw this. what?? i'm banned on the old forum; how could i post the original story there? Mick just admitted it was his post. then RicoSuave disappeared when confronted. are you having trouble following? like i said to someone else, @Avocado you are extremely unintelligent and yet you post all the time here. why don't you try reading books, listening to other people with different opinions, and posting less? you can't even contribute usefully to a basic conversation; this is something that 18-year-olds have mastered as they become adults, yet you fail time and time again to understand how a discussion works, and you misunderstand basic premises. i really think you make this forum worse by your constant negative and incorrect posting.

more likely, as i analyzed earlier, is that a local like you who has some sort of political ulterior motive is making fake profiles like RicoSuave to spread animosity and convince people that Expats are "ugly foreigners" - yet the story was made-up in this thread, so the entire premise is non-existent; the people aren't the same, RicoSuave is a fake identity, created by someone else who shares your political views. again, asked for the 3rd time, why are you on an Expat forum if you have foreigners so much?

also, you'll be okay buddy, profanity is just part of how adults converse sometimes. if you don't like swearing, then don't swear; there is already a filter on this forum to blur-out most bad words. your feelings about profanity aren't real, it's just your opinion. some people find it cathartic to swear, and it's a useful conversational tool to draw attention to passionate ideas. did you know that PhD people swear sometimes? that politicians use profanity at times? not sure why this is new to you; nor do i give a sh*t if you don't like cussing, since you're the least-intelligent person on this forum, minus maybe CheVos, so i couldn't care less what you opine on.

moving on, @starboy what's this forum's policy about intentional plagiarism and sewing dissonance? is RicoSuave going to be deleted since it's a fake identity?
moving on, @starboy what's this forum's policy about intentional plagiarism and sewing dissonance? is RicoSuave going to be deleted since it's a fake identity?
Hello @StatusNomadicus

We have already discussed this with the OP. He claims to have a similar situation happen to him and we will take him at his word. We also offered to delete it and the original poster said he doesn't mind so we will stand with our decision to keep the post up. The owner of the forum does not like to moderate more than necessary.

We have warned the OP to keep posts to the truth and he has agreed. We will ban him if he breaks his word.
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