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  1. GeoPolitics

    Newcomer Activitis for men

    The only activity I recommend to go with a group of friends or alone is Attend a Soccer Game. The rest of the activities are more family oriented
  2. GeoPolitics

    Apartment Rental 2 Months in BA

    Planning for summer 2024 Mid June to mid August. I can drive and willing to rent a car if that is what is needed to make my experience enjoyable. But prefer to take public transportation if it's safe and convenient.
  3. GeoPolitics

    Apartment Rental 2 Months in BA

    I'm planning a two-month sabbatical in Buenos Aires with my wife and three kids (ages 10, 8, and 6). We're looking for an authentic experience away from the touristy spots. Coming from Portland, Oregon, we're keen on immersing ourselves in the local culture. Our ideal plan involves enrolling the...
  4. GeoPolitics

    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that not all Argentines think and act alike...