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  1. R

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    A thoughtful and very articulate take on the issue. It's easy to say that AirBNB is a symptom not a cause, but the root causes of all this cannot be remedied by anything short of revolution, and I do not advocate that. Ergo, treating symptoms is all we can do. Therefore, I repeat - AirBNB is...
  2. R

    Banking Western Union money transfer

    I was at the WU office this morning, one of the little side offices that are connected by passages to the big office on Cordoba, and they had nothing but 1000 peso notes. First the lady asked me if I had change to bring it up to a round 1000, and when I didn't she asked if she could put the...
  3. R

    Banking Western Union money transfer

    It's showing 720/730 now, up 15 pesos in the last 2 hours. I had a brief conversation with a neighbour in the elevator, a middle class, eduicated porteño who speaks decent English. When I asked him, he said that he voted for Milei, commenting "In a crazy country, like this one, you need a crazy...
  4. R

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    "If Milei is elected, he’ll radically reduce taxes, which means that costs of production will drop radically. As the country dollarizes, the currency will stabilize, and gold could come next. Real prices could drop further, but not because of a collapsing currency. The economy should boom...
  5. R

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    better than Biden You are familiar with the phrase, "damning with faint praise"? "Hey, sweetheart that new perfume of yours smells better than dogshit."
  6. R

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    How anyone could watch that lunatic rant & rave like that, and then vote for him, is beyond my imagining. That is a dangerous man
  7. R

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Certainly you know your history. It was indeed the dictatorship that really screwed up the economy, and things have never fully recovered. But I would remind you all that the K paid off the IMF and got it out of the country, while Macri borrowed 43 Billion USD and issued 100-year bonds. Yes...
  8. R

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    OK, but my point is that they are two separate things. You can axe the free education for every mangy-ass wannabe-socialist from Culo del Burro without leaving Mercosur. Mercosur isn't working like it should, true, but it is a trade alliance; it can be fixed, it can be reformed. And Latin...
  9. R

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Seriously? If you're equating Mercosur with that idiot policy of giving free education to all those foreigners, that's a major false equivalency. The other countries in Mercosur don't do that. That is stark raving lunacy. The man is an idiot, like some wannabe James Dean rebel without a cause...
  10. R

    Newcomer 2000 USD per family member for residency application?

    Yes, he posted about the pregnant Russian ladies, within the last 72 hours. And for my own part, I find myself in agreement with Bajo about 90% of the time. If you want to contact him, just search one of his posts and look at his signature at the bottom. It has his name, but the link was dead...
  11. R

    Newcomer 2000 USD per family member for residency application?

    It was devastating news for a lot of us. The average Social Security recipient gets around 1400 a month. Mine is quite a bit less than that. No idea WTF we are supposed to do, or why they selected an amount so crazy high. Maybe you can talk to Bajo Cero and see if you can engage his services to...
  12. R

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    For the man who can say, "I own properties in Mexico, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia" it is easy to say that others must pay more. But for those of us on the lower rungs of the old socio-economic ladder, it's not so easy to pay those higher prices the propertied man is advocating.
  13. R

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    When George Washington (best President EVER!) wrote that the government of the new USA should support itself with tariffs and not tax its own citizens at all, he was talking about a tax on imports.
  14. R

    Politics The Case For President Sergio Massa

    We bring our money here and spend it. That looks like contributing to me.
  15. R

    Education Belgrano Day School or Lincoln School?

    I don't know if these guys are bilingual or not. You can always ask. But they seem to run a good school. http://www.orientapadres.com.ar/colegio-san-maron-retiro-capital-federal-102 I have lived nearby for the last 4 years and a bit, and they have been good neighbours. I was also impressed...
  16. R

    Visas Student visa requirements

    I have applied to both graduate and undergraduate programs here in BA within the past two years. For Graduate school, it depends on the school. When I studied at UNA I had both my BFA diploma and my transcript apostilled in the USA ( I am from the USA) , translated here in BA and then...
  17. R

    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    GOD, I hope so. AirBNB is the devil for those who have to actually live in a city, as opposed to visiting it.
  18. R

    Food & Drink How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    10-20% The big key to getting decent service here is being recognized as a regular customer. When I was new in-country a local explained to me that it's the opposite of the USA. In America, we think, you give me good service first, and then I'll give you a nice tip. But she said if you are new...
  19. R

    Newcomer eSIM option in Buenos Aires?

    It looks like Claro offers eSim, and their site says nothing about restricting it to those with a Plan, but I can't swear to it from personal experience. I just use a cheap and basic Samsung, for which I paid all of 200 dollars, hardly in the range of something ooh la la like an iPhone 14...