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  1. R

    Politics Despite the recess, Congress will have 48 hours of tension due to the mega DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae

    Despite the recess, Congress will have 48 hours of tension due to the mega DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/21/a-pesar-del-receso-el-congreso-tendra-48-horas-de-tension-por-el-mega-dnu-que-desregula-la-economia/ February 21, 2024...
  2. Miriam145

    Politics The regulatory discussion that could complicate the approval of the DNU in Congress - Infobae

    The regulatory discussion that could complicate the approval of the DNU in Congress - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/16/la-discusion-reglamentaria-que-podria-complicar-la-aprobacion-del-dnu-en-el-congreso/ February 16, 2024 The dialogue blocs believe that the...
  3. Val

    Politics Congress appears again as a central test for Milei: extraordinary sessions and negotiation with Macri - Infobae

    Congress appears again as a central test for Milei: extraordinary sessions and negotiation with Macri - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/14/el-congreso-se-muestra-otra-vez-como-prueba-central-para-milei-sesiones-extraordinarias-y-negociacion-con-macri/ February 14...
  4. Olivia1

    Politics Pichetto stated that “the relationship with Congress has to be reformulated” after the fall of the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    Pichetto stated that “the relationship with Congress has to be reformulated” after the fall of the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/08/pichetto-planteo-que-la-relacion-con-el-congreso-tiene-que-ser-reformulada-tras-la-caida-de-la-ley-omnibus/ February...
  5. antoni31

    Politics The City filed a criminal complaint before the Public Prosecutor's Office for the vandalism of the Congress.

    Last Saturday, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires filed a criminal complaint with the purpose of initiating an investigation into the acts of vandalism that occurred in the vicinity of the National Congress after the approval of the Omnibus Law. The intention is to identify those...
  6. K

    Politics Incidents and clashes between the Police and protesters outside Congress after a new day of debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    Incidents and clashes between the Police and protesters outside Congress after a new day of debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source...
  7. P

    Politics After the incidents, the picketers regroup forces and prepare a new march to Congress - Infobae

    After the incidents, the picketers regroup forces and prepare a new march to Congress - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/01/tras-los-incidentes-los-piqueteros-reagrupan-fuerzas-y-preparan-una-nueva-marcha-al-congreso/ February 01, 2024 Left-wing parties and...
  8. JanselTour

    Politics The picketers seek to show strength and mobilize in Congress against the Omnibus Law in the midst of the debate - Infobae

    The picketers seek to show strength and mobilize in Congress against the Omnibus Law in the midst of the debate - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/31/los-piqueteros-buscan-mostrar-fuerza-y-se-movilizan-al-congreso-para-rechazar-la-ley-omnibus-en-medio-del-debate/...
  9. P

    Politics Social movements and picketers will accompany the CGT strike and march to Congress together with the unions - Infobae

    Social movements and picketers will accompany the CGT strike and march to Congress together with the unions - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/22/movimientos-sociales-y-piqueteros-acompanaran-el-paro-de-la-cgt-y-marcharan-al-congreso-junto-a-los-gremios/ The Popular...
  10. MiltonRD

    Economy Omnibus law: negotiation with the opposition could make the Government lose part of the fiscal adjustment plan - Infobae

    Omnibus law: negotiation with the opposition could make the Government lose part of the fiscal adjustment plan - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/22/ley-omnibus-la-negociacion-con-la-oposicion-podria-hacer-perder-al-gobierno-parte-del-plan-de-ajuste-fiscal/ January 22...
  11. Melody13

    Politics Omnibus law: with modifications, the project with the reforms promoted by Javier Milei reached Congress - Infobae

    Omnibus law: with modifications, the project with the reforms promoted by Javier Milei reached Congress - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/22/ley-omnibus-con-modificaciones-llego-al-congreso-el-proyecto-con-las-reformas-que-impulsa-javier-milei/ January 22, 2024...
  12. dark

    Politics Omnibus law and IMF demand: the Government puts pressure on Congress and seems to ignore its own risks - Infobae

    Omnibus law and IMF demand: the Government puts pressure on Congress and seems to ignore its own risks - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/17/ley-omnibus-y-demanda-del-fmi-el-gobierno-mete-presion-al-congreso-y-parece-desatender-riesgos-propios/ January 17, 2024 The...
  13. marianoc

    Politics The Government opens the debate on the Omnibus Law predisposed to modifications to achieve the support of the opposition - Infobae

    The Government opens the debate on the Omnibus Law predisposed to modifications to achieve the support of the opposition - Infobae Source...
  14. superman

    Politics Deputies: Kirchnerism asked that all ministers go to Congress to explain the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    Deputies: Kirchnerism asked that all ministers go to Congress to explain the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/08/diputados-el-kirchnerismo-pidio-que-todos-los-ministros-vayan-al-congreso-a-explicar-la-ley-omnibus/ January 07, 2024 The bench led by...
  15. PerryP

    Politics Javier Milei will send to Congress the DNU for deregulation of the economy despite the ruling that suspended the labor reform - Infobae

    Javier Milei will send to Congress the DNU for deregulation of the economy despite the ruling that suspended the labor reform - Infobae Source...
  16. W

    Politics Milei calls special Congress sessions over economic reform plan - Buenos Aires Times

    It looks like Congress isn't going away for the holidays! Milei is calling a special session to work. This guy is an animal. I love it! Just a few days in office and working so hard for all Argentines...